Drowning Deep In Doubt

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Kellin's POV:

Although it took hours to even get comfortable in bed , I had eventually fallen asleep.The morning wasn't any better than the night before, I woke up in a terrible mood and honestly it was one of those days I didn't even want to get out of bed and face whatever life had for me, I seem to have a lot of those. But I knew I had to, I spent 10$ on a show ticket and I could have bought myself like five fancy boxed waters with that money. Also because I was planning on photographing the show for my blog. So with that in mind, I managed to pull myself out of the bed, take a shower, and get dressed. Lucky for me I'm that bitch that every person knows that sleeps in until 1 pm . The show is at 3 pm so it was perfect.

I decided to take my time with picking out my outfit and went with a pair of black skinny jeans, a red plaid shirt and a black jean jacket on top. I also decided to go with my usual all black canvas vans that were already pretty beaten up.

Since I couldn't move out of my house I obviously wasn't allowed to drive, and I'm not rich enough to afford an uber every time I walk. So instead I was forced to walk to most of my destinations which I admit helped me in the exercise department but walking in San Diego when it get's really hot is like walking through hell with the chorus of Friday by Rebecca Black playing on repeat. I realize how exaggerated this may sound but but that is exactly what it is.

Anyways, I left my house around 1:20 and got to the venue at 2:30-ish. It was more crowded than I expected which meant maybe it was an okay band. I walked around a little bit looking to see if I saw someone that looked like they were a part of the band or I'd even settle for the old man at this point.I kinda weaved my way through the crowd and decided to go through the backstage, it was a small band and venue so there wasn't exactly a crew. But I did see one girl she was beautiful, fairly tall, dark hair just passing her jaw, and a stunning smile as she walked towards me.

"Hey there hun! Can I help you with something?"

She kinda intimidated me because she was very beautiful and confident. I struggled to think of words and was trying to explain what I was here for but before I could even start a boy came up behind her.

" There's my girl!"

The woman laughed and kissed the boy, he was taller than her, had a sleeve of tattoos, and a triangle like quiff.

"Are you part of the band?" I asked .

"oh so you're not like a crazy fan girl," the woman said with a laugh.

"I'm Jessica and this is my fiance Jaime,he is in the band."

I took a deep breath in and decided to just go for it and ask,"Well.. I'm a photographer and I run this blog called 'The Undergrounds' -."


He was surprisingly loud for how he didn't say a word just a minute ago.

"OH- oh my gosh the guys are going to be so jealous I met you first." He laughed, but not like a soft innocent laugh, more like a I'm going to murder my band mates with my loud voice kinda laugh.

"come with me." he said with a quieter voice, I think he realized he was scaring me because my eyes felt like they were big and i'm pretty sure his fiance kicked him in the leg.

Jaime walked away and I began to follow.'thank you' I mouthed to Jessica,'It happens a lot.' she whispers back. We laughed and that was the last I saw of her for that evening.

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