Chapter 11 ~ Happy Tears

Start from the beginning

"I'll always be here for you, Iseul. Now, want to go get breakfast?"

"That sounds great." She said, smiling.

We made our way into the elevator to go to the other dorm, where everyone else was eating breakfast. When we got to the dorm, I knocked on the door and Seungcheol opened it.

"Good morning, guys! The managers brought us some of pastries for breakfast."

We walked in, and I sensed a weird vibe immediately. Iseul sensed it too. Everyone became very quiet even though we had heard them talking outside. She stood closer to me and gripped onto my arm. After the silence continued for a few seconds, Iseul finally spoke up and said,

"I'm not about to break, you fools. Act normally! This is weird!"

"Sorry, Iseul!" They all said, and resumed talking about what they were talking about before we came in.

Iseul and I went into the kitchen and got a pastry from the selection that the managers brought over. I got us each a bottle of juice, and we went to go sit down in the living area with everyone else.

"I did NOT cheat at the racing game last night!" Seungkwan was yelling while Hoshi argued with him.

We were all laughing at the silly argument, but I noticed that Iseul wasn't. She was sitting in silence, slowly eating her breakfast. She noticed me looking at her, and she looked up to meet my concerned gaze. She forced a little smile, and then rested her head against my shoulder. Some of the members noticed, but no one said anything.

"So, our schedule is going to be very busy for the next few weeks. We have photoshoots, recording, practice for Oh My! choreography, and we also have practices for the Ideal Cut tour. Most of you already know the schedule, but for Iseul, you can pretty much tag along to anything you want to. Or you can go out and explore Seoul on your own if you want." Seungcheol said after everyone finished their breakfast.

"I'll probably tag along with you. I want to see you guys in action!" She responded, lifting her head off of my shoulder.

"Yay! Iseul is coming!" Minghao said, smiling. The rest of us smiled too, happy because Iseul wanted to come see us.

"Let's go get ready! We need to be at the recording studio in 2 hours." Seungcheol said, and everyone left, except for me, Iseul, Minghao, and Jun. They sat down on the coffee table in front of the couch Iseul and I were sitting on, and Minghao said,

"Woozi said not to pry, but we really just want to make sure that you're okay."

"Yeah, we've been wanting to ask you all morning.." Jun added.

I looked at Iseul to make sure that she was okay with Jun and Minghao asking, and she sent me a reassuring look.

"I'm doing okay. I got some news that caused me to have a bit of a breakdown, but Wonwoo helped me get through it. I'll get better, but it was a hard night." She answered. When she was finished, she smiled at me and put her head back on my shoulder.

"I'm glad to hear that you are doing better. You can come talk to me if you ever need to." Minghao said, putting his hand on Iseul's knee, squeezing it before he got up to go get ready.

"You can come see me too if you want to talk or if you want to be blessed by my good looks." Jun said, smiling.

"Wow, okay Jun." Iseul said, laughing. Jun left to go get ready too.

Iseul and I sat in silence for a few moments, her head still resting on my shoulder.

"I guess we should go get ready now.." I said.

"I guess" she replied, getting up and pulling me up with her.

"Thank you again for staying with me last night."

"It's no problem. I would do it again anytime."

She smiled at me, and we went our separate ways.

■□ Jeonghan's POV □■

After we left the first floor dorm, I made sure to keep Joshua close to me at the back of our crowd. I had planned to take him into my room because I wanted to talk about something with him.

Seungcheol unlocked the door to our dorm, and Joshua and I walked in slowly, waiting until everyone else were in their rooms before we went into mine. I put a sock under the door, not because things were going to happen, but because I didn't want anyone walking in on our private conversation.

"Ahh, right now? Seriously, Hannie?" Joshua asked, laughing a bit.

"No, I just think we should talk."

"About what?"

"I've been thinking about what Iseul said, about telling just the rest of the group about us."

He looked down, and scratched the back of his head,

"Jeonghannie, I'm not sure..." he said.

"I know we said that we have been waiting for the right time, but it's been almost 3 years now and I don't think the timing will ever be perfect."

"I understand, but why now? What is going on?"

"I'm not sure. I think with our 3 year anniversary coming up... I just desperately want to be able to show my love for you outside of our rooms. I want to hold your hand. I want to hold you close to me. I want to kiss you. I know that we can't just come out with our relationship to the public, but even just being able to be open with our members would be good for us. I love you, Hong Jisoo, and I want to be open about in instead of having to keep it in, in fear that we might accidentally mess up."

Tears started filling his beautiful eyes. I wiped them away with my thumb, and traced it down his jaw until it was under his chin. I moved his chin up slightly and stepped closer to him until our lips were only a few centimeters apart. He put his lips on mine, holding me close by cupping my cheeks. He slowly pulled away, and said,

"So, when should we tell them?"

My face lit up, and I could feel my smile become huge.

"Wait, seriously?!" I almost yelled, my voice full of joy.

"Seriously. I want nothing more than to show my love for you too." He said, his smile almost as big as mine.

My eyes started welling up too. We were a mess of happy tears, tightly hugging each other.

"I think we should tell them tonight." I said through staggering breaths from crying.

"That soon?" Joshua said, his lips still slightly swollen from our kisses.

"Yes. Our third anniversary is next week and I want to take you out without having to lie to the members about it."

"Okay. Tonight after practice, we can sit everyone down and tell them." Joshua said, holding my hands tightly. We stood in silence for a few moments until he looked at me with a worried look in his eyes. He said,

"Hannie, what if they don't like us together and get angry?"

"Then they will have to learn to deal with it, because I think we will be together for a very long time." I said, squeezing Joshua's hands and smiling at him.

He smiled, and kissed me one more time before saying,

"I'm going to go get ready now."

"I'll see you at the vans. I love you, Joshuji."

"I love you too, Hannie" he said, then he softly opened my door and smiled at me one more time before leaving.

I pulled the sock out from under my door and got my clothes for the day, asking myself how I became so lucky to find Joshua and have him in my life.

A/n; I'm posting on schedule again. totallynotlesbo will not convince me otherwise.

AHH I love Jihan

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