The Chimichungas

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This is the last chapter of this story! Hope you enjoy!

It was lunchtime, and it was Pizza Friday, and Kendall definitely would enjoy the pizza since there's a lot of choices to choose from. So she had one slice of 3 meats, one supreme and one pepperoni and pineapple. Julie had two pepperonis, two 3 meats, and one jalepeno, Brianna had one supreme, one pineapple, and one spinach, and Haley had two pepperonis, two spinachs, and one bacon and pepperoni.

The girl sat in a row outside to see some neighbors from the cul-de-sac, including Mr Vickle; Wade from Food-N-Fix; Principal Henry; Mrs. Fitzpatrick; Mrs. Dominic; Gunther's parents, Magnus and Helga Magnuson; Kick's parents Denise and Harry; Julie and Haley's older brother Weston and mother, Nurse Kathy Trenton; even Kendall's parents came along.

"Wow, everyone is here," Kendall cried out surprised, "even my parents!"

"Surprising, isn't it?" Julie asked.

"You planned all of this?" Brianna asked.

"Not exactly me."

"It was me and Gunther." Haley intervened.

"Get ready, get ready, it's starting."

Wade went up to the started the intro.

"Ladies and gentleman, dudes and dudettes, I like to present Danger Dude and his band, The ChimiChungas!"

Everyone applauded as Kick as his band went up to the stage, Kick is the main singer, Haley the backup singer and player of the saxophone, Gunther the drummer, Emo Kid with the guitar and Mouth as the keyboard bud.

"Kick?" Kendall was stunned to see Kick perform.

"This goes out to a friend of mine, Kendall Perkins!"

"Me?" Kendall was surprised and yet a bit touched.


Kick: Please don't let this turn into something it's not

I can only give you everything I've got

I can't be as sorry as you think I should

But I still love you more than anyone else could

All that I keep thinking throughout this whole flight

Is it could take my whole damn life to make this right

This splintered mast I'm holding on won't save me long

Because I know fine well that what I did was wrong

Kick/Gunther/Haley/Mouth/Emo Kid: The last girl in the last reason to make this last for as long as I could

First kiss in your first time that I felt connected to anything

The weight of water, the way you told me to look past everything I had ever learned

The final word in the final seconds you ever learned to me was love

Kick: We have got through so much worse than this before

What's so different this time that you can't ignore?

You say it is much more than just my last mistake

And we should spend some time apart for both our sakes

Kick/Gunther/Haley/Mouth/Emo Kid: The last girl in the last reason to make this last for as long as I could

First kiss in your first time that I felt connected to anything

The Way of A Bluebonnet BridgeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon