"Did you love her as a sister or something more?" I asked, curious for some reason.

"I dunno. I was only eight! I was too young to realize it if it was something more! And then she was snatched away." he answered.

"Did you ever see her again?" I asked.

"Yeah, I did. Eventually, I made a contract with her and got my revenge. I got her back as well. And guess what. She's still just as cheerful as ever. Too bad she doesn't remember me." he replied. I understood what he was implying. I pointed at myself.

"It-it was me? I was the little girl?" I asked.

"Yeah. You are the little girl." he said.

"I-I wish I remembered. I-I wish I had never forgotten. Why- Why did I have to forget you?!" I screamed the last sentence and buried my head in his chest. Tears ran from my eyes and he stroked my hair.

"It's okay. Your memories are coming back. Soon enough, you will remember." Edmund said. A knock sounded at the door and we jumped apart. Edmund stood up and went over to the tea cart.

"Well, aren't you two rather friendly for a butler-lady relationship." Claude Faustus- Alois' butler- walked in. I knew I was probably blushing.

"Ed- Er... Charles was simply comforting me. I had a bad dream and it scared me terribly." I said. Claude definitely noticed my stutter. He nodded.

"Of course. If he couldn't do that much for his young mistress, what kind of butler would he be?" Claude winked and left the room. I turned to Edmund.

"When we're alone, could I call you Edmund, then?" I asked.

"Of course, my lady. Just don't slip up in front of people unless you have an excuse at the ready." Edmund smiled at me. I still wondered where that accent came from, but that information would have to wait.

"Oh! Edmund, how long have I been out?!" I exclaimed suddenly, realizing the ball must've ended hours ago.

"Oh, well... Actually, you were out for two days. Then you woke up... But then you fell back asleep. Let's just say, the ball was on friday. Now it's Monday morning." Edmund replied.

"Monday morning?!!!" I yelled. Edmund nodded. I looked down at my swan outfit and groaned. I went to the guest room closet and surprisingly found some clothes. There was a brand new outfit with my name written on a piece of paper. I tried it on and found that it fit perfectly. It was boy clothes, just like I like. Clothes like my brother wears, in a cute shade of pink. I wondered how they found a boy's noble suit in pink. Anyways, I walked through the mansion till I finally found my brother and Sebastian. Once we ate, we readied the carriage to leave.

"I hope to see you again, Alois." I said before we left.

"Same to you, little swan." he replied. I walked over to the carriage and got in. Ciel walked up to Alois and began talking to him about something. I couldn't see Ciel, but if I read Alois' lips correctly, he said:

"Oh, kiss my ass, you bloody little shit." and walked away. I frowned to myself as Ciel climbed in, looking irritated.

"How long till home, Sebastian?" he asked. Sebastian replied, but I zoned out. I just stared out the window. Before I knew it, we had arrived home. Edmund helped me out of the carriage and I went up to have some time to myself before dinner. I sat on my bed and pulled my old clothes out of a drawer. The shirt was a real shirt but the skirt was a pillow case that I'd made into a skirt. When I was little, I had used it as a dress. I had stitched little pockets into it so I could hold a few things. I ran my hands over the pillow case skirt. I felt a small lump in there. I reached in the pocket and pulled out a necklace. It was a thin, silver chain with a horse charm and a locket. I opened the locket and found a picture of a young boy, probably only eight years old, with light brown hair that could easily be mistaken for dirty blonde and green eyes. I recognized the face. I touched the locket lovingly and fell back on the bed, unconscious.

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