Chapter 11.5: Behind the Door

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My eyes lingered after his dark figure, watching him turn back once more before disappearing around the corner. For the amount of lights emanating from the lamp posts, street was surprisingly robbed of warmth and charm. I found myself facing this same door again. The glazed maple was cool to the touch as I ran my hand over it.

"Where the hell were you?"

I drew in a long sigh before turning away from the front door slowly creaking shut. The room was clad in darkness, but I could tell where the voice projected from. He tracked me like a hawk perched at the top of the stairs.

"I had a homework session with some friends. I didn't know you were back."

I could announce that I just came back from a circus tour in Jamaica and it would literally make no difference. The crumpled box, now a host of soggy donuts, was left on the counter.

"I've always been here. It's you who've been gone." The line was practiced. It was routine.

"Welcome back to the country." I smiled with my teeth. It was more of a wince, really. Not like he could tell the difference, right?

"Are you leaving again?" His voice bellowed, ricocheting off the walls. Shadows loitered, adding to the dramatic creepy effect. I was fed up with clawing in the uncertainty of the dark and flipped the light switch on. It was better to rip the band aid off than hide it in plain sight.

And there he was.

His hair tossed back, his chin peppered with a stubble, his neck littered in bruises.
There was probably another prostitute high off their face in his room. I watched his eyes corrupted with spawning red, bloodshot veins. 

Did he even see me?

Slowly, my palm crept into my back pocket to retrieve my phone.

"No. No one's leaving."


"Audrey, you keep telling me that."

I let that sink in for a minute.

That name hasn't been mentioned for a while.

We were doing so well. So well.
Why did he relapse?

Weren't they enough?

"I'm gonna get you some tea, alright? Go back upstairs and rest." I grimaced.

He skulked down the stairs. I gave up waiting for someone to pick up.

"You're leaving again. I can tell."

I bolted.

The door was closed to the outside.

What happens in the family stays in the family. 

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