Tricky Devotion

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Farmer Brown wears a frown
As he seeds fertile ground.
Each small seed is counted
It's worth is discounted
Till it prove fecundity
And harvest abundantly.
Farmer Wilson tills deep
Herbicide to thwart the weed.
She sprays on pesticide
Till snippy critters die.
She covers with fungicide
And counts wins as rot declines.
And then there's Farmer Jarvis
Who knows a third he will not harvest.

A few seeds will remain dormant.

Birds will feed themselves, and their babies, on plump, wet seeds, sprouts, and seedlings.

Rabbits and deer will grow healthy on his salad

Fungus drought, storm and hail

Will take their share.

As will those who glean the tithe.

There's a balance there.

A balance twixt nature ‘n a  farmer.

Nature always wins

With her device

That two thirds shall suffice.

So, Farmer Jarvis plants one more plot.

A small one… as his tribute to the earth.

It’s size is a third of his big gardens girth.

He doesn't fret bout dust, spray, or solutions.

Cause  farmer Jarvis knows a secret.

Abundance is bought with tricky devotion.

©Naomi Marshall 2018

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