Little Woman Big Tractor

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Why in blazes don't they make a tractor with a steering wheel small enough for a women? At this rate, by the time I'm old and wrinkled up, I'm gonna have arms like an old, wrinkled up sumo wrestler.

Plus, when I downshift, I have to pull up off the seat and lean into the dang thing, or it jerks the shaft...and then all sorts of crappy things can happen.

This time, I was practically up on that steering wheel in a half-nelson, went to put it into reverse and, by golly, that miserable monster stalled on me.

Anyway, when I climbed down off that rotten, no-good, stubborn old geezer of an excuse for a tractor, I sprained my ankle.

So the Doc comes by last evening, eats the last piece of sweet potato pie (grrr) and tells me I'm off my feet for two days. (grrr more)

Somewhere, up in the attic, my Granddaddy has a bear rifle. When I can get off this couch, I'm gonna find it, clean it up real good, load her up, and shoot the balls off that miserable machine.

©Naomi Marshall 2018

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