That's me

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So I was thinking of making a Bucky Barnes story what do you think🤔?


🥐Peter's POV🥐

After the police and the mean lady left me an-

[Isn't the name 'the mean lady' too long it's making me tired when you say it sorry Pete]

<it's got a point we need to name her>

[What about Jackie?]

Sounds to nice (this is Peter)

<I got it! Let's call her Helga it sounds mean and disgusting which is what she is>

You know what I like it

[Helga it is. Oh Pete if we are going to be with you for a while what about our names]

<ooh, want to be the awesome one>

[Doesn't suit you I would say the stupid one]

<Well you would be the idiotic one>

Guys I'm picking! are you girls or boys?



Ok so for the girl what about Elle?

<no Ella I like that>

Ella it is and the boy Jackson or Jax for short?

[I like it thanks]

<oh, by the way, Petey MMrStark is talking to you>

I looked up to see Mr. Stark looking at me expectantly

"Ummm did you say something?" I mentally hit my self for being so awkward.

<Hey! That means your hitting us>

A sigh from Mr. Stark tells me he did

" never mind follow me we are going shopping and when we come back I have a surprise for you"

Completely ignoring the shopping part I started getting excited about the surprise. What could it be?

<maybe a new phone>

[Nah to simple this guy's tony stark for god sake it could be anything!]

Jax has a point couldn't be anything that simple

<hm what then oh! oh! oh! a new suit!>

[Ohhhhhhhhh ye that would be awesome and we would get front row seat Ell!]

I have already had a new suit and I place on the Avengers I just didn't talk it


[Ell calm down but you are stupid for not taking the offer peter]

<ye why didn't you take it?>

well A. I wanted to finish high school first B. I'm too young yet and C. I said to many letters

[understandable but I still would have taken the offer]

<ye would you take it if you got asked again?>

probably. I mean well ye, of course, I think now I would be ready

"kid we are here" I looked at MrStark then outside to see we were at the mall.

Getting out the fancy car me and Mr Stark walked into the mall, as soon as we stepped in people started looking at us and whispering probably about Mr Stark and the fact that he was actually here.

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