Chapter 1: Meeting 1D; The girl

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Chapter 1: Meeting 1D; the girl

It had been great living in Ireland. Waking up to beautiful sunrises... Not honking taxi cabs. Beautiful sunshine.... Not Summer trying to get ideas what to write the taco vender. She got his address. Turns out he's three years older than us. Now she mails him like everyday. She tweets him everyday. She messages him everyday. IT NEVER ENDS. I sat up as Niall stood up and ran his fingers through his blonde hair. As usaul, his blue eyes were glowing. "Hurry up!" He yelled. "UGH! FINE!" I yelled back. I got up, brushed my hair, my teeth, put regular clothes on as Niall was waiting outside my door. I opened the door and accidently smashed it against his face. "Ow!" He yelped, just picking me up and carrying me. Summer followed. "PUT ME DOWN JAMES! NOW! NOW NIALL JAMES HORAN!" I yelled as he carried me into his house.

Four hot guys stood there. That and the taco vender guy. Summer ran up to him. "Heyy Kevin!" She said. "Hey Summer!" He said exitedly. The stood by each other. Turns out the vender guys name was Kevin Bertowski. Niall has been home three days now, and he has been at my bedside every day. "Who are they?" I asked. "You obviously haven't watched xfactor." He said, glaring at me. "I have stuff to do!" I yelled. I looked closely at them. "Plus, I usaully sleep through it." I said. "She is just like you!" The one with curly hair said. Summer went up to one. "Your hair's like woosh..." She said. He had wooshing hair. Obviously a Summer thing. "This is Harry." He said, pointing to the one with curly hair. "Hi." I said. "Hi Luv!" He answered happily.

Harry had REALLY curly hair. His eyes were green, but mine were greener. "This is Zayn." Niall said, pointing to a quiet one. "Nice to meet you." I said, holding out my hand. He had dark hair and dark brown eyes. "This is Louis." He said, pointing to the one who Summer thought his hair was wooshy. "Hello Louis. Yes, my sister was right. Very wooshy hair." I said jokingly. He laughed. "Hey babe." He said, flipping his hair for the woosh. "And last, this is Liam." Niall said, pointing to the last boy. "Hello Liam. Plaid?" I asked. "It's my thing. Such as Louis' is suspenders and toms... Oh and striped shirts." He said. I laughed. "Not kidding. There is an unspoken law of not wearing striped shirts in the band." Liam said, hiding the smile.

Louis had brown hair and hazel like eyes. Liam had brown hair and eyes. I smiled at the boys. "Everyone, this is Allison. My bestest friend-and that's Summer, her twin sister." Niall said, pointing to Summer. "But they look Nothing alike!" Louis said, looking at the both of us. We stood awkwardly. I kinda choked under my breath. "Hey Allison?" Niall asked. "What do you want?" I asked. "Can you go get us some lemonade?" he asked sweetly. "Fine." I yelled. I walked into the kitchen, got his STUPID lemonade, then walked out. They were all sitting down. "Here's your STUPID lem-" I started to say, before tripping. "WaAaAaA!" I got out before landing I was safe in someone's arms. Warm arms. Tight arms. Safe arms.

I blushed when I saw who it was. I had spilled Niall's stupid lemonade all over them. "I-I'm SO sorry Liam!" I said, turning really red. "It's ok." He said, knowing I was embarressed. I was hiding my face in my coat. He put his hand on my shoulder and I looked up. Suddenly his eyes caught mine, and we were in a moment. Off to the side was Niall and Summer, whispering. Summer is a hopeless romantic, so she would be saying something like "Aw! They should kiss!" But I didn't know what they were saying back then. All I knew was I was in the arms of Liam. I didn't even know the guy. "Um... Liam?" Niall asked. "What?" Liam answered. "Let's get back to our discussion. Allison and Summer, you guys may go back to sleep now." He said, hurrying us out the door.

We crossed the street to our house. We have lived here for four years now. Summer, Niall, and I are all seventeen. We walked into our house and slipped up the stairs. We got in our room and climbed in bed. As I awoke the next time, I was staring into my own eyes. I looked around. "WA!" I yelled as I noticed my eyes on the laptop on my bed. I picked up my cell-phone. 14 missed calls? All from numbers I don't know. Suddenly, my phone went off. I jumped and it colided with the floor. I answered it. "Y-Yolo?" I nervously said. "Hey Allison! It's Niall! Want to come with the lads and I to the park?" He asked. I stopped. Yay. I can totally beat them at basketball. I have been playing since sixth grade. "Hello?" he asked. "Ya. Be right Over bro." I said, hanging up the phone.

I ran over to Niall's place. "Hey guys." I said, walking into the door. Everyone waved. We walked to the park. As we neared the basket ball hoop, I yelled out "Let's play basketball! Who ever has the lowest score has to kiss the highest!" I yelled. I wanted to see two of the boys kiss. Funny. They all nodded. "You're on, Ali!" They neared the hoop and picked teams. This didn't work out the way I planned. I was the highest. "YOU GUYS PLAY LIKE SISSIES!" I yelled. They laughed I slam dunked it. "One of le good things about being tall." I said, catching the ball. The boys played for the lowest. They all did abnormally bad. I sighed. I doubt anyone would want to kiss me. It was tied. 3-3-3-3-3.

I watched them play until Niall and Liam were left. Suddenly, Niall made a shot. Liam looked at me and Niall glared at him. Liam walked over to me. "I cant believe you guys are so HORRIBLE at this game." I said. "I wanted to see Larry... or Niam..." I said. "You know about those? You just met us yesterday!" Liam said. "I have a laptop. I search criminal records." I said. We laughed. Suddenly our eyes locked. "For the dare?" He whispered. "For the dare." I whispered back. Our lips locked. When we were done, I turned around to see Niall, kissing another girl. I couldn't help but feel jelous. I was not in love with him. Deffinitally. As a bro, but nothing more.

I walked up to disrupt the two out of jelousy. I couldn't stop myself. The bad thing about a short temper. I tore them apart. "Stop!" I yelled. I don't know why. "Are you jelous?" The girl mockingly asked. "N-No way!" I yelled. "Then meet me at seven o'clock Nialler at Nandos." The girl said flirtingly. "He's booked!" I yelled. "maybe for you, but not for me." She said. I had one choice. I don't know why, but I had to wreck this date.

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