Serve with a Smile

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Cassian and Azriel swore to protect and serve their High Lady, Feyre Archeron, as long as they lived.

And when Rhysand is away on business, unable to help Feyre after the mating bond swells- well, Cassian and Azriel are always willing to serve with a smile.


Cassian wasn’t really know for his great ideas. That was more of Azriel’s field, or Rhysand’s- Cassian was more of a take-it-as-it-came sort of guy, content on acting in the spur of the moment.

   This situation was different.

   It was also a lot trickier. He- and Az, his accomplice in this shit-storm- were on thin ice for even asking. It was skimming the line between right and wrong, the line Cassian had a bad habit of fucking over.

   But hell, even Azriel has hesitantly agreed to the idea. He’d seen the look in his brother’s eyes, that lust and desire pooling up behind them. The Illyrian hadn’t even blushed, for God’s sake. Just gave Cassian that look that made him gulp.

   It kinda turned him on a little, too.

   But Rhysand. Oh, Rhysand. He was a whole different story.

   “So you’re off for another week.” Cassian had said gently to his brother, the High Lord, after he’d spent half the day winnowing across the goddamn mountains. He’d seen Cassian’s awkward stance, his guilty features, and he’d only gritted his teeth more.

   “Yes, and?” Rhysand has snapped. Cassian took it in stride- it was no surprise that Feyre wasn’t the only one suffering, wound right as a string.

   “Feyre’s doing pretty shit.” Cassian said quickly, and he saw Rhysand’s features flash at the mention of his mate.

   “I know.” He’d growled, shaking his head. “It’s the time after the mating bond- it should’ve been over by now. It’s been almost a year- fuck.”

   “ She almost got in a fight with a Spring Court representative today. Gave him a good black eye.’ Cassian said, trying not to laugh- he’d taught her that right hook.

  “Shit,” was all Rhysand said, running a hand over his face. Cassian could smell his scent, overpowering and noxious. If he was a chick- or even better, his mate- he’d probably be swooning right now.

  “And last we checked, she’s so frustrated she’s locked herself in her room for almost a day now.” Cassian said, wincing.

  Rhysand’s shoulders dropped. “Fuck, fuck, fuck. I can’t leave right now- it’ll take me half an afternoon just to get back over the mountains, and we’re actually making progress here. There’s Illyrian territories talking for the first time in centuries.”

   “Yeah, I know.”

   “I can feel it in the bond.” Rhysand said, shivering. “Fuck.”

    Word of the day, Cassian thought, laughing to himself. He wouldn’t say that outloud, unless he wanted to lose a limb.

    “I have an idea. But you’re not gonna like it.” Cassian said, offering him a pained, toothy grin. Rhysand stiffened.

    “Fuck no.” He growled, and Cassian moved just out of the way to miss a claw thrown in his direction. He saw darkness clouding, swirling in the corner of his eyes.

   “Whoa, whoa, slow down there buddy. I haven’t finished.” Cassian yelped, throwing his hands up. Rhysand has gotten the general gist of it anyways- Cassian wondered if he had a deathwish. Coming between a powerful Illyrian male and his mate.

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