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        The she-wolf faces down the rows of snarling wolves, backing her into a corner. Eyes glitter with malice and anger. Eyes the she-wolf knew. She knew everyone here, but they treat her like an enemy. Snarls echo in the cave, howls for blood and death. The she-wolf bared her fangs, but she knew she could never win against such odds. A gray she-wolf stood at the front. "This is your time. You were a wolf never ment to be born. We are doing you a favor." She snarled, and lets the other pass her, their furry bodies streaming past with flashing eyes. The white she-wolf looks over at her old commrads and leaps over them, using the tightly packed bodies as a spring board. The howls turn to yips as she uses them as a floor. The wolves watch her escape for a moment, then race after her, breath streaming as mist into the air. The gray she-wolf howls for blood, and the pack echos her call, sending the white wolf into shivers. She could never return. This place was forbidden now. It was no longer her home. It was time to leave... Or she would die.                                                   



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