"What does that mean?", she asked.

"Other creatures are drawn by your power, the abilities we gave to your grandmother so many years ago, others crave it and try to change it, pervert it. You are not just a child of the planet, but you have pieces of all the creatures surrounding it running through your veins. Human terms like angel and demon, these apply to you as well.", the voice said.

"So, I am a descendant of a woman who can talk to the earth, and I am both angel and demon?", she asked she was now shaking her head as if she didn't believe it.

"And much more as well. You are a target to be controlled, and harnessed.", the voice said softly.

"But if all I can do is talk to you why is that a great power?", she asked.

"You can do much more than just talk to us.", the voice replied. "You are more powerful than your mother, probably because of your father. Your sister was never our speaker, the choice was wrong, but your mother did not listen. It was always supposed to be you."

"You didn't talk to me when I can when I was little.", she said.

"We did not talk to your sister either.", the voice said. "We needed you both to grow before we could. We watched as you and her, fought your internal battles. She succumbed to the power before her. You did not. Test after test you passed whereas she failed. We have waited a long time for you."

"You said because of my father, why is that?", she asked.

"Your father is one of the collectives, not ours but related sort of.", the voice said.

"The collective? Like you but different?", she asked.

"We can say no more about him. You need to ask him.", the voice said.

"So, what happens now?", she asked.

"You need to learn quickly; we think a guide should do.", the voice replied.

"A guide? Like a supernatural guide?", she asked.

"Such terms do not apply, Little one.", the voice said. "The guide is awaiting you outside the circle."

"What will this guide teach me?", she asked as she turned to look around.

"Everything, Little one. Absolutely Everything.", the voice said as it began to fade. "The more you come here, the stronger you will become, we recommend at least once a week, twice is better. Listen to your guide."

"I will try.", She said as she heard them fade away. The voices were still there but only whispering not full on screaming, she could push them away. She began to clear the trees back into the main part of the meadow in the forest. In the middle of a meadow was a man, she assumed it was her guide that they had sent for her. "Hello.", she called out.

"Hello, Princess.", he replied as he bowed in her direction.

"Are you my guide?", she asked.

"The collective sent me, yes.", He said. As she got closer, she noticed his eyes were a piercing yellow with a glow behind them. "They thought you would prefer me in this form."

"In this form?", she asked as she stood before him.

"I am not human, Princess. Like you I am from many different collectives. Human is not one of them though.", he said.

"Oh.", she replied unsure of him now.

"Like you, I am a mix of good and evil. I will help you learn the ways of both.", he said smiling, the smile he had was not a nice one and it didn't go to his eyes.

"Both? I thought I was supposed to be good.", she said.

"That is your choice, Princess. We all have a choice in what we are, how we act. You need to learn both sides, or you are unbalanced.", he said shrugging his shoulders.

"What are you, good or evil?", she asked.

"Both, whichever suits me at the time.", he easily replied.

"Suits you at the time?", she asked.

"I forgot how much humans like to talk.", He said shaking his head. He looked closer at her as she stood feet planted in the dirt. "You look like her."

"Who? My mother?", she asked.

"No, the first.", he said.

"Oh, but that was thousands of years ago.", she said.

"So? You are her descendant. Not your hair or eyes, those are different. Something though. I can't place it. The more I look at you, the more I can see it.", he said as he reached out to touch her hair.

"You knew her?", she asked.

"Yes.", he simply replied. "She was a beautiful woman willing to become a slave for all humankind.", He said. As she tilted her head to his answer, "Did your mother not teach you anything?"

"No, she didn't.", she said shaking her head, "She thought my sister was the one to take her place, not me."

"Your sister, hmm?", he said as he stood there looking at her. "No, she was never supposed to be the one for this job, others yes, but not this one."

"What is that supposed to mean?", she asked.

"You will see.", he said as he took her hand and started to leave the meadow back to the car she left. "Princess, you will begin to see everything now."

"What do you mean? And what is your name?", she asked.

"Princess you ask many questions. Too many for right now. You can call me", he started to say as he looked up at the sky, "Yes perfect, call me Mitsuhide."

"Mitsuhide?", she asked.

"Yes.", he replied as he continued to tug her through the darkened forest.

"Is that your name?", she asked.

"One of the many I have used as I have lived with humans.", he sighed. "I always liked the sound of it."

"Fine.", she said as she again shrugged her shoulders and then squared them away. "It's is nice to meet you, Mitsuhide."

He stopped and looked down, his eyes flashed in the darkness. "Hopefully you continue to think that way. Let's go, Princess, you have a lot of catching up to do."

"Where are we going?", she asked.

"Home.", he said.

She didn't know if he meant his home or hers. She wasn't sure she knew what was going on, or if she really even wanted too anymore. The voices stopped, and she was going to be schooled on all her different sides, she wasn't afraid but she was slightly alarmed. It was going to be a long night either way she thought.

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