Chapter Two

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Home, she thought to herself as she headed to her car which was in the direction that he was pulling her in.

"You think too loud, Princess.", he stated.

"I think too loud?", she asked as she shook her head, "As in you can hear what I am thinking?"

"When you are practically screaming your thoughts, it is hard not to.", he stated. "Calm yourself. Breathe Princess. We have a lot to cover tonight. Normally this is someone else's job, not mine. So, we both have to figure things out. Your sister is getting stronger by the minute, and you need to as well."

"My sister?", she asked. "She isn't here anymore."

"Not on this plane, you are correct. She is on another, and until you can sense her again, you need to grow rapidly. We also know we need to hide you.", he said.

"Hide me?", she asked.

"You are the opposite of her, her equal so to speak. You both were destined for this life and for what will happen. The outcome was never known, but the idea was sparked throughout the collectives many millennia ago. Human is only a small part of what you both are, why the hell didn't your mother teach you any of this?", he said.

"She said I didn't need to know. I wasn't the one. I am not sure she knew there was a bigger picture.", she said as they finally reached her car in the parking lot.

"She knew princess. She knew.", he said.

"Then I don't understand.", she said as she pulled out her keys and started the car. "I assume we are going to my place."

"Sort of. Go there first.", Mitsuhide said as he sat in the car.

"Alright. How did she know?", she asked.

"She begged the collective for her to be the one.", he asked.

"I am so confused.", she said.

"Soon Princess, you will understand it all. I have enlisted the help of some others like myself; the collective said it would be helpful.", he said.

"Are they meeting us somewhere?", she asked.

"In a way.", He replied. She focused on driving as he was not answering any more of her questions. He looked as lost as she felt but somehow she didn't think for a second, he really was. She made her way through the streets to her apartment complex. She parked her car and started to get out. He grabbed at her arm and smiled that horrid smile again that sent chills running throughout her body.

"Are you afraid of me, Princess?", he asked.

"A little.", she said, "maybe."

"Good. Do not fully trust any of us, Princess.", he said his eyes were glowing.

"Why?", she asked softly.

"Because we will devour you.", he said as he closed his eyes.

"d-d- de- devour me?", she stammered out.

"Yes. The ones who will meet with you, trust none of them but listen to what they have to say.", Mitsuhide looked deep into her eyes as if to hammer the point home.

"Listen, I can do that.", she said. "What about you?"

"What about me?", he asked.

"Can I trust you?", she asked.

"No.," he replied.

"Then why did they send you to me?", she asked.

"Because I am at least honest enough to warn you.", he said, and this time honestly smiled.

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