Right now, when we reached school, Murasakibara-kun asked me an odd question. “Shirachin, you’re not going to give me anything?” is he talking about candy?

“Umm, sorry Murasakibara-kun. My daddy’s candy shop is restocking at the moment” I apologized.  I saw him frown but when I asked him what’s wrong, he didn’t tell me the reason. He brushed me off and walked off to our classroom without even waiting for me.

I stumbled upon following him and he rudely closed the door before I could even enter. What’s with Murasakibara-kun today?

Good thing our male classmate opened it for me as he was about to go to the restrooms. I warmly thanked him and went to my seat, in front. Murasakibara-kun sat at the back where he always does every semester since he’s the tallest among the freshmen. I think he’s the tallest in the whole school!

While waiting for the teacher, I decided to write my homework down neatly since I was in a rush early in the morning when I tried to finish it. As I wrote my name on a clean piece of paper, our classmate, Morishige-kun suddenly approached me with a flustered face and had something hiding behind his back.

“Morishige-kun, is there something the matter?” I notice his friends gathering behind him.

“Shi-Shiraga-chan! No! Yumi-chan! Can I call you that?” huh? Where’s this coming from?

I just nodded my head and let him continue. I saw slight happiness on his face.

“A-Anyway, what I’m really here for is… uh…”

“Huh?” I tilted my head to the side. What’s he trying to say?

“Will-Will you go out with me please?!” he confessed, bringing out a box of chocolates that he was hiding seconds ago. Wait did he just asked me out?!

“Mo-Morishige-kun?!” I instantly blushed at his confession and didn’t know what to say. I started fidgeting my tiny hands as Morishige-kun handed me the sweets he wanted to give me. If only Murasakibara-kun hadn’t interrupted us, I would’ve given him my answer.

“Mmm? Ah here are some sweets Shirachin, why didn’t you tell me you have? I mean, you always give me some”


“Hehe, that’s because you like me and not him, right?”

Out of Murasakibara-kun’s rudeness, I started to feel shy and guilty for Morishige-kun. Murasakibara-kun suddenly walked off with the sweets, and even pulled me with him. I didn’t get the chance to say sorry to our classmate. I feel bad.

But I didn’t like the way Murasakibara-kun acted towards Morishige-kun; and he even keeps on eating the chocolate given to me!

“Murasakibara-kun!” “Hmm?” he turned around after I shouted my name. It’s the first time I got mad at Murasakibara-kun; but it’s reasonable since he hurt someone’s feelings.

“I didn’t like what you did back there. Apologize to Morishige-kun this instant” I demanded, crossing my arms, pulling my hand out of his grasp.

“Why should I? I didn’t do anything wrong to him. You were going to reject him either way” what he said, hit a nerve.

“With the way you’re acting right now, I think he may have a chance!” I hollered that caught his attention.

“Huh? What chance are you talking about? Didn’t you say you like me? Was that a lie? So you like Morichin now, huh?” he started giving me a scary glare that I had to step away because he was leaning his face close to mine.

“Mu-Murasakibara-kun… you’re… you’re too close…” I uttered, stepping back as he walked closer.

“Shirachin, I thought you liked me… you said you did… I believed you did…” he starting muttering curses and grabbed my shoulders, hanging his head low.

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