Chapter 2

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My name Charlotte Dubois.  I am the only daughter of the impopular Sir Wellington Dubois and Marinette Dubois. I am 11 years old and both my parents are dead.  My dad passed away when I was 4 months old and my mother passed away just last year in an accident in France on my birthday.  She had gone to buy me a birthday cake despite begging her not to leave. It was raining heavily outside and there was a storm. That was the last time I saw her when she left into the darkness of heavy rain and strong winds beating against the trees. The storm was so bad and I kept waiting for her at the window while the heavy drops of rain water angrily hit the window pane.  I couldn't see a thing. Her last words as she kissed me good bye were "Je reviens ma petite....t'inquiets pas. Je t'aime." ( I am coming back my little one.... Don't worry. I love you). My mother oftenly talked to me in French and I really   it.
I kept waiting until I fell asleep next to the window. The next day I was woken up by Uncle John and some policemen and they told me that my mom had gone to heaven.
After my mum's burial, my uncle John took me under his custody. We travelled to Turkey where he lived with his family. It was consoling to know that I would live with my aunt and cousins who I had never met. Little did I know what a terrible life was awaiting me. They all hated me from day one and I had gotten used to it. The harsh words they barked to me and the beatings were all bad. I became their slave and the house maid. They had promised me that I would go to school but it is already a year since I set foot in school.

Nevertheless I always prayed to my mother and I have never lost the pendant she gave me on my 7th birthday. It was beautiful.
I always believe till today that she is one of the stars and I know the specific star. It is the brightest one that's always above my bedroom window. I always feel so calm when looking at my mom's star.
But today and many other past days that I got punished were different. I can't see nor talk to my mother.  I miss her so much. Fresh pain stabbed my heart and out of nowhere warm tears flowed down my face. I heard Bruce growling next to me and I assured him with a stroke. He is the only one who understands me.

Chapter 3 is coming soon. Please vote and leave a comment. Thank y'all amigos. 💖💖

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