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Sorry that this chapter might be a little rusty! It was an idea I had on the whim, but I wanted to stretch the idea!

This is an AU so things will be different for the people that don't know.

Anyways,  I hope you like the story!



It was over.

Finally, over. After the fighting, protesting, it was all over. And thank god for that.

Things had finally seemed to calm down, a lot.

They were all gone. They were free.

Most people had a new found respect for the androids.

Some androids did break their programming, but... It was fine.

I mean, you can't blame them for wanting to feel human. Some of them were sick and tired of being abused and then they couldn't do anything about it?

What if it were you. Being abused. Being thrown around. Having to do things you shouldn't have to do.

And I bet some of you have.

It might have happened once or twice or maybe it's not over for you?

How would you feel if you couldn't do anything about it?

Right.... Not the point. Sorry.

Maybe a certain human and android can come between their differences. One being metal and one being warm flesh.

It could change their life for the better.

Who knows.

~~RK900's POV. (Mostly)~~

8:49 pm, Tuesday

It was a normal night at the DPD. Androids and humans working side by side to get cases solved. It didn't matter if they had broken their code or not. This meant some could have the full workplace experience.

It was RK900's first day on the job. He did look a lot like his older model. Connor. RK800, but much taller, had more chiseled features, and had these icy blue eyes that looked like they could see into your soul. He seemed different from the other androids that worked at the station. He seemed more stoic, distant and just over all had a "Do not fuck with me vibe". The kind you wouldn't want at a kid's birthday party. RK900 had indeed broken his code, but tried to play it off like he hadn't. Just for the sake of a good image,but is it really worth it?

RK900 crossed his arms behind his back and sighed. He was in the process of getting set up and ready to meet his new partner that he would be working with from now on.

"He seems like a little bitch just from hearing about him from the Captain... Just when I thought things were looking up for me as well." He thought putting emphasis on the bitch part.

"Might as well get used to it... " he mumbled out loud.

When the elevator doors opened, he stepped out only to be greeted by a polite smile of a young woman.

Abigail M. Rossy
Age: 25
Graduated from DU a year ago.
Has a Master's Degree in Law and Crime.
No past criminal records

"Your new partner is right over there. The one packing up ready to end his shift.  You can go introduce yourself if you want before you two are officially paired tomorrow."

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