The Peace Generation

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It had occurred to Nova that if Caesar was gone from the world, she would have to be the one to witness the peace between man and ape.

Which was starting from the friendship Sorin had with the chieftain princess.

It wasn't the only thing Nova noticed when she saw the two of them together, a deep sense of understanding could be seen from the both of them.

The apes had seen them and it had become a gossip if their Newly Crowned Ape King would ask the chieftain princess to be his mate though Nova doubted that the two of them would be together since the young princess was about to be wed by a man from another tribe.

It also occurred to her that Vara was starting to show signs of developing feelings for her great grandson.

"Good morning great grandmother"

Nova smiled as Sorin and Lixus kissed her and pressed their foreheads on hers together before separating.

"What brings you both here?"

Nova signed and Lixus cooed softly at her with a smile "Everyone is awaiting for you great grandmother" Nova stood up from her sitting position, her tired legs wobbly as Lixus supported her.

The apes all watched as the oldest human ape slowly came out of her nest with awe and bowed in respect.

Nova wanted to smile down at them. They were the generation that Caesar abd Kira wanted all these years of torment and suffering for both their kind and now...

The sound of the human song came and the apes parted to let the chieftain and the princess with a few people of different tribes in.

The apes lowered their weapons and gave them respectful hoots as Nova stood before them.

Sorin and Lixus stood by her side as they all sat down in the middle to begin the Truce that would be held up until their generation dies from existence.

The leader of the human tribe began to speak in a different language one that Nova knew she had learned before in her childhood days as a human.

Now it was all gibberish to her ears.

The chieftain's princess grabbed a knife decorated with what Nova knew it to be as her clan's name and it's culture and passing it to her father.

Nova watched as the man slit his throat and let his blood pour out and it landed on the bowl. He handed it to Nova and she did the same while the others watched unblinking.

Nova watched as it swirled around before the princess dipped her thumb on the blood and marked a piece of paper before handing it down to her.

Nova read the paper with rapt attention, making sure that it met the needs of her people before signed it with blood by her own thumb as well.

Nova and the chieftain both shook hands before hugging one another did the entire crowd of both human and ape erupted into a joyous yell.

Lixus and Sorin gave each other side hugs while Vara managed to crush Sorin into a bear hug that probably made him sure that his bones will be broken.

Kiara smiled at her great grandmother with pride. Her father would be proud of this and she knew her ancestors were smiling down upon them.

Finally, there was peace between both kinds.


Nova had never seen her people so happy and full of life even after they had been liberated from the humans.

This was the first time they actually felt true freedom.

We are no longer reigned down by the past.

Nova felt a presence nearby and turned to see Sorin with Vara by his side, each holding fruits for her.

"We heard you have not come down to join the festivities. We got these for you great grandmother"

Vara signed as Sorin handed her the fruits in front of her. Nova shakily took a piece of fruit and smiled at the two.

"Now that peace finally reigned between the two races, I can finally rest in peace knowing that our dream and desire of finally obtaining true freedom has been accomplished"

Sorin looked at his elder in clear confusion "What do you mean?" Nova waved her hand, suddenly feeling how tired she was.

"I feel my time coming soon, life is short and I feel like it must be fate letting me live to see this moment"

Sorin frowned and wanted to say something but kept his mouth and hands to himself.

He had loved Nova simply because of how she had faced the challenges thrown at her when she was just nothing but a child. It made him admire her of her brave spirit and kind heart and she became his role model of sorts in becoming a great Ape King one day.

To rule with a brave spirit and a kind heart.

"Do not get distressed Sorin, you have a family who will guide you in this life and the next..."

Vara didn't want to intrude this royal moment so she made a move to leave but was stopped by Nova calling out to her.

"Vara, I am counting on you to protect Sorin and be hus companion as long as you live. To be by his side at all times, to know where your loyalties lie and follow your heart when faced upon a dangerous task"

Vara straightened her posture and nodded. The festivities down below made Nova shoo them away "You both deserve some quality time. I shall catch up later and thank you for checking up on me" Nova smiled when she and Sorin placed their foreheads together and he left with Vara.

Sorin rubbed hus temples and he signed to Vara "Why do I have a feeling my great grandmother is trying to set us up be it unintentionally or not" The female beside him shrugged and turned her head away.

"How should I know? For all I know she might just be telling me to protect you because she knows how much of a troublemaker you were"

Sorin glared at her and shook his head "She really has a very nice way to cover up the true meaning behind her words" Now that made Vara snort at him irritation.

He really did not get that his great great grandmother just told her that she will be a suitable mate for him.

There are times she really hated his obviousness to even the slightest bit of clue and that's what made her love him more and get very protective and possessive over him.

"This ape will become the death of me"


Back at her nest, Nova smiled as she looked up at the slowly darkening sky and drummed her fingers on the stone window.

"Are you all happy now? Can we really move on?"

Nova felt a small gust of wind and her gaze went to the ornaments her family had worn and used when they were still alive and saw hee shadow casting down at them with the glow of the setting sun behind her.

Nova smiled as she pictured their proud faces most especially those of her adopted father and mate.

"I'm coming my family. Wait for me"

As The Ape Years Go ByOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora