1. New Beginnings

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Sitting atop the roof Alexander looked out at the setting sun. The party had just started but he was already tired. After lifting and carrying in supplies for almost two hours he no longer was interested in partying. His best friend Chris was holding the end of the summer party, keeping the tradition that his eldest brother started. This house was known to be the 'party house' in Jasetown and it had held that name for longer than Alexander could remember. Chris wanted to make this party better than any of his parties before seeing as it was the start of their senior year and the last summer party he would be throwing before passing the tradition on to his younger brother Dalton. 

Alexander had been cut off from his thoughts as a girl came through the window. A full bottle of Jack Daniels in her hand. For a second he was scared for her safety and almost went to stop her. Then she looked up. He froze in place. She was beautiful. But that was not what made him freeze. She was the mysterious girl he had seen but never spoke to. No one had spoken to her. But they had seen her. All summer long the town had watched her as she partied along with them, wondering who she was. They only knew one thing about her and that was for sure. She was daring.

Realizing he was staring, he looked away. She didn't even miss a beat as she kept going and sat on the roof a little ways away. If she had witnessed his stare she didn't comment on it. She didn't seem the one to start conversations. He was beginning to wonder if she was mute. With that thought in mind he looked at her, only to find her already staring at him. Awkward.

She didn't look away but it wasn't like she was challenging him either. It was a natural look. Almost casual. Thankfully, not creepy, he added. After a few more seconds he was the first to look away before clearing his throat.

"How's the party?"

Her eyes had never left his face but as he looked away her features relaxed.

She shrugged. "Party's aren't really my thing."

He looked up in surprise. Not only was he not expecting an answer but that answer alone was one to surprise him.

"Really?" He couldn't contain his confusion and surprise as he answered.

All he got was a shrug in reply. Right, he thought, not much of a talker.

She had begun to take long sips from the bottle in her hands whilst staring out at the sky. She thought it was beautiful. There was no longer any sun showing but the sky still held the vibrant pink-orange tint that she had always loved.

Alexander that was sitting a ways a way didn't question her on anything else and she began to like that. She simply wasn't a people person. She liked the silence. Sure she knew how to talk to people, she wasn't asocial or antisocial. But people simply didn't take a liking to her blunt personality and she realized it seemed there's more for people to judge about her with social encounters. So she kept to herself.

Her eyes shifted to the boy beside her. The movement of his hand had caught her attention. He had raised it to brush through his brown hair. She began thinking as she watched his movements. He wasn't bad looking. His jawline was simple. No sharp edge to it but it suited him. He wasn't outstandingly gorgeous. But she could see he was beautiful.

"Your looks are charming." She said taking another sip.

Alexander looked up shocked. She almost laughed. He reminded her of one of the little fishies she owned as a child.

"Wha- I. Uh- Thank you." He stammered out. Caught off guard by her bold statement.

She once again shrugged in reply.

The colors of the sky faded being replaced by a dusty blue. With the sky growing darker she could feel the temperature dropping slowly.

"You look nice as well." He commented.

She didn't know if his words were genuine or simply a kind response. But she replied with a quick "Thanks." Before taking another long sip of the whiskey.

They sat there for a while the sky had darkened and the party got louder. Both of them hadn't said a word for almost an hour but the silence wasn't uncomfortable. She was sitting quietly drinking her whiskey and he was laid back watching the stars.

After a sigh from the boy he looked to her before his voice came cutting through the silence.

"Truth or dare?"


It rolled off her tongue so smoothly with no hesitation prominent. Her face calm and collected as her words rang through his head with no slurring or distortion, even though she had already drank through more than half of the bottle of Jack Daniels still in her hand.

Even then he was surprised by her answer. Although she was already well known for being bold and daring he had never seen it first hand, that is until tonight.

She tore her gaze from across the street to the boy that sat on the roof beside her. She looked at him before leaning back and taking a swig of the alcohol.

"You gonna give me a dare or am I gonna have to sit here all night looking pretty?" She ended the sentence with a sarcastic chuckle before continuing. The settling alcohol in her empty stomach making her even more bold and talkative.

"I'm messing with ya, but come on my patience is wearing and I'm running out of boos." The boy didn't have to look to know her bottle was even closer to being empty than before but he still found himself glancing at it slightly amused.

"You're quite the talk of the town you know." He says looking at the girl before him buying himself more time to talk to this mysterious newcomer.

She shakes her head with a smirk. "I tend to have that effect with people in new places."

"Travel a lot?" He ask curiously.

She looks at him eyes narrowed not in a glare but almost as if she is trying to assess him before looking away. "More like a never ending road trip if you ask me." She states looking around at the scenery shrugging, taking another drink of the alcohol that has come to comfort her.

"You stopped here, no?" He questions, his Spanish accent slightly coming through replacing the words 'didn't you' with the more comfortable phrase 'no?'

She doesn't answer his question but simply runs her fingers through her hair before taking the last gulp of Jack Daniels and standing up.

"Angel." She says, her hand out towards him.

"Alexandro." He replies taking his hand in hers before letting go already knowing he wouldn't get his answer.

"Well Alexan it was a pleasure to meet you but we'll have to finish up this conversation another time because I'm out of whiskey and you still haven't given me a dare." She playfully winks at him before turning and walking away.

The way she pronounced the new nickname with a Spanish accent made shivers run down his spine. Most people would shorten his name to Alex and leave it at that but Angel seemed to make it more complex and lusting; something no one had done before. He turned to her as she made it to the window they had both used to get on the roof.

"Hey Angel?" He called out before she could make it through the opening. She looked up at him giving her full attention.

"See you around?" He asked as it was the first thing to come to mind as he called her without a true reason.

"See you around." She confirmed before gracefully stepping through the window and out of his sight.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2018 ⏰

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