People who think they are "all that" Pt. 2

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"I don't care if he likes me or not because my mind is set on someone else so you shouldn't worry."


. . . .

You still so dense?? Girl, did I not just make it clear as day that it's not just about you?

The simplest things that I just have to hammer into your tiny head.


As a continuation to the last time, the messages at the top are actual things that this girl told me when I mentioned stopping all the shit she was doing.

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IF you haven't already guessed what the fight is about, it's about a guy.

I know what you might be thinking. . .

O-MG girl, are you really just going to lose a potential friend over a stupid guy who probably won't like you in return because that's just how guys operate nowadays??

Well my answer?

. . .


She has known about my on-and-off feelings for him for almost a year now yet she doesn't think it's wrong in any way to keep leading him on by talking to him and touching him and constantly smiling at him like they're in some sort of secret coupling agency.

She knows that it pisses THE HELL out of me yet she won't stop.


One day I texted him via Facebook asking him who he liked (I didn't know it was her yet) and he said it was her. As expected, I was saddened and wanted to know why he liked her.

Now, I honestly love this guy's personality and brains and everything, but his reasons were the dumbest shit I had ever heard.

He said that he'd liked her because she was apparently "pretty" and she liked this anime serial called "Fairytale".

. . .

You f*cking joking with me?!

. . .

That was the stupidest reason I'd ever heard and what made it even sadder was the fact that she hadn't liked the show on her own accord.

Just because her ex-boyfriend (whom by the way she hasn't gotten over yet even after almost two years) liked the show, she forced herself to watch it and like it just so she could have another thing in common with the boy.

Like WTF

Bitch are you really THAT desperate?

Secondly, she isn't that pretty.

All she does is put on lipgloss, post Instagram selfies and squint like a lit bulb is literally two centimeters away from her face and call that posing for a camera.

. . .

After he said that, I asked him if those were honestly his reasons and he said YES

Right there and then, I did an ultimate face palm that probably echoed through seven galaxies and had extra-terrestrial life like, "DAYUM"


This guy wasn't even pulling my leg.

He stated that sentence like it was the most legit reason ever.

. . .

After that, I told her and asked her what she thought and she was just like, "Dude, Tope, I don't like him."

Yet the situation wasn't even about her or her feelings so I told her to just stop talking to him so often so he would stop fantasizing about a relationship with her.

However, since she's so oblivious to simple things happening around her, she didn't understand what I was trying to say.


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(I think I need to give names to all these people now, including myself)

•My name is Tope(toe - pay). Yeah I know it sound unusual and well that's because I'm an African with the temper of.. ANGRY PERSON.

•The certain bitch in this story, we'll call Sabrina

•And the guy I think I have a crush on, we'll call Tom (how random)

•The main one of Sabrina's many crushes, we'll call Karl



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