People who think they are "all that" Pt. 1

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"I don't like him"


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Bitch, just shut the f*ck up please and spare the world all that oxygen you just wasted.

If you were who I was worried about, do you think I would be wasting my time talking to you right now?

Life isn't about just you. Start thinking about someone other than yourself for once.


My brain has been on full bitch mode all the past week up until today thanks a certain girl who just thinks she's the shit.

A little background to the girl; she's an Indonesian "model". Meaning she is super skinny with no curves what-so-ever except for her skin clinging to her bones and her long, straight hair hanging from her scalp which, according to world standards nowadays is "pretty".

She expects everyone to fawn over her and just care about every sentence that she spits out of her filthy mouth.

This bitch is supposed to be a Muslim (not offending the religion because even I have some close friends who are Muslim too) but you should just SEE the clothes this girl wears.

All bum-shorts showing off her kinky little ass..

Short and tight tops to show how boob-less she is..

If not bum-shorts, skinny jeans or some short-ass skirt.

I'm just busy thinking

. . .

Bitch just LOOK at the other Muslims around you. I don't SEE any of them showing off what they don't have yet you think you can just WALTZ in here without getting your little ass beat.

If she ever showed up at my home, with my African, decently trained parents, my God she would have the ass-whooping of her life.

. . .

That was a long introduction. This subject is actually going on with me right now so like it's a continuos topic. Bear with me cuz I'm freaking pissed.

Sorry I haven't updated in forever, dealing with this shit and school.




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