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Lauren's P.O.V

It has been 1 month since you left me. You left me here to be without you. I didn't know about the abuse you suffered at the hands of your parents. I didn't know how badly you were hurting every day of your life. You never told me and none of us had any idea how many broken bones and bruises you lived with. You never told anyone.

Why didn't you tell me? I could have done something to help you. I would have done anything for you.

Your parents let me go into your room and get some of your things today. It's not the same without you here. I found your diary.

You wrote that the night we met, I saved your life and brought you an emotion that should have been something you felt daily but didnt. Happiness. You said you were planning on ending everything that night. You said you had no reason to be alive anymore. You said your parents hated you and left you beaten and broken almost daily. You said your friends were not real friends. You were so good at faking that emotion that you can't remember ever actually feeling. You said you felt it for the first time when I smiled at you from across the room. You said it was that moment that you knew I would change your life forever. That maybe, just maybe, you could have a reason to keep fighting for this shitty life that you had.

You wrote that when I told you I love you, your heart felt like it was going to explode. You said you knew you were going to be with me forever. You said that I was everything you ever could have dreamed of. You said that you wanted to spend the rest of your life with me including all of the things that go alone with it. Marriage, kids, picket fence, everything. You said that you couldn't believe that a goddess like me could love someone like you.

You wrote that I hated you. You said I never wanted to see you again. You said that your only reason for fighting was gone. You said that you tried to tell me the truth about what happened the night of the party but I wouldn't listen. You said there was no reason to live since you lost the only person you would ever love. You said that you were going to end it all. You said it already killed your heart knowing that I didnt trust you.

You wrote about how much you loved me. You said I was perfect. You said I was beautiful. You said I was a dream come true. You said you would do anything for me. You said you would always be by my side.

But you left me. You left me heart broken. You left me alone. You left me to face the world without you. You left me.

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