chapter 13

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Symone Pov

I woke up two hour early to make my shirt and sweatpants for the guys. I decided to do a black shirt with red writing and on the back is Jacoby and his #23 then on the front I put our school name and drew hearts and stars and the year we graduate and some other silly stuff that represent stuff that happens in high school then I hung up the shirt. now I started to work on my sweets pants when I heard talking coming from my phone I look up and remember me and trey was on FaceTime I was about to hang up until I heard my name and I looked up and seen trey and some little boy in the camera.

"hey you up?" trey asked me

"Naww I'm sleeping what you think trey " I said laughing

"she a babe" the lil boy told trey which made me smile.

"who is he, he so adorable"

"this my little brother zeek and don't let him trick you he the devil" and then zeek hit him in the head

"don't be telling her that you going ruin my chance with her fool" I started to laugh

"how old is he"

"im five years old my birthday in a week and instead of buying me a gift my gift can be you" this little boy here is something else I swear, I thought to myself

"symone have you gone crazy you interreputing my sleep to talk on the phone" princess said waking up

"oh lord yall on woke the bride of chucky'' I said laughing

"dang smiley that how you feel about me" she said rubbing her eyes.

"no baby girl I was just playing I love you sissy"

"that what I though you said and why you on the phone with zeek?"

"hold up put your sister on the phone" I turn the phone to princess and she gave me a death glare

"dang that my wife" zeek said

"what I tell you about calling me that im going get my dad on you"

"man princess you need to just accept me"

"nope" she said rolling her neck then

zeek look to his brother and started whispering something "you lying" trey said to his bro then look at me "your sister cut somebody hair off because a girl took her crayons"

"you bett like her anyways" princess said sitting up. I decided to go back working on my sweat pants since zeekand princess took over mine and trey phone. once I finished and hung up the pants I made I went to lay in my bed and listen to zeek and princess argue about them being together.

"okay enough, trey get your brother because he getting princess hype and she coming back to school tomorrow and I will hate for you brother get beat up by a girl"

"yea trey get you brother because he on made my death list" she said cracking her knuckles.

"zeek chill out bro you cant have every girl you see"

zeek jumped up in the bed and started hitting his chest "do you see me trey you may not be able to get every girl, but me I pull I already on won your girl heart over and im going get her sister"

"boy sit you ass down" trey told his brother "look symone im going see you at school, it time to get him ready."

"alright im about to do the same with princess, bye Tremaine" he hate when I call him is government name but oh well

"I hate you" was all he said and hung up

"thank god you hung, so come on we have to pick out my out fit it got be fly something that says im back and watch your back, because im not the girl to mess with" this little girl is a mess. we got up and I followed her to her room I scan through her clothes until I seen a red shirt that say "im the boss, so bow down" I got her black and red Jordan's and a pair of her black leggings and walked back in her room to help her get dress. once she finish she brushed her teeth and then starred in the mirror and after about five minutes of looking at her self she went to go play dolls so that was my clue to go get ready for school I did my hygiene stuff and I check my clothes to make sure the paint was dry then put them on. I went back to the restroom and put on eyeliner and eye shadow, then brush my hair in a bun and wrote the boys number on my face and walked my way to princess room

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