Chapter 2

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"Keon, I'm sure you've noticed." I didn't know what he was referring to, so I opted for staying silent. "I'm guessing you don't know." We rounded a corner and I started getting the feeling that he was taking me somewhere. For what reason? I don't know.

"That's right. I don't." "What I meant was, I'm sure you've noticed that I'm into guys as well." I looked at him in surprise as I never took him to be the type to like guys. "Why are you telling me this?" "Isn't it obvious? A fellow LGBTQ+ to another LGBTQ+." We stopped in front of one of the room doors and I feel a rush of nervousness and excitement flow through me.

He opened the door and there was a small bouquet of flowers below a sign which read "It's not working, so stop fronting. I know want me, let's start da-ting." in colorful letters. I looked at Geonhak who was now holding out a small box to me. I took it from his hands and opened it to find a pair of earrings. Silver heart studs. "I...I just..." I found myself breaking down into tears as I couldn't hold it in. I felt strong arms wrap around me and I immediately leaned into them. I heard the door open and noticed someone had walked in, but I didn't know who as my vision was blurry. They placed something on the table then left.

"I got us some fried chicken. I figured you'd be hungry around this time." He wasn't wrong. He helped me up and sat me down on one of the chairs. "Do you want to eat it yourself or do you want me to feed you?" Naturally, I opted for the second option, mostly because my mind was in a fog. I couldn't help but smile widely as the feeding session was a bit awkward. "Do you think the other members are looking for us, hyung?" "Don't worry about it. I told them we had to go somewhere and wouldn't be back for a while." I nodded enthusiastically as I happily ate with my now boyfriend.

We finally headed back to the practice room then noticed they were all splayed out on the floor. "Practiced hard?" "Naturally." Geonhak went over to help up Youngjo, so I went over to help up the other members as well. "Don't overwork yourself, okay? We don't need injuries occurring." "We know, we know. Always acting like a mom." I scoffed but didn't reply as it was partially true. "Then I'll stop caring." "But mooooooooom!" Everyone including myself erupted in laughter at Dongju's whiny tone.

We had made our way back to our dorms late at night and I honestly felt embarrassed as Geonhak tried to make our relationship known early. "Can't you wait 'til we get inside?" "Of course not." I rolled my eyes and walked ahead of him. We all entered our dorm and Seoho was quick to take off towards our room. "Don't sleep in my bed, hyung." "Too late!" I sighed as everyone else chuckled. "I have news, everyone." We all looked at Geonhak, including Seoho who poked his head out of the room. "I'm dating..." He suddenly lifted me up and pulled me close to him, "...this wonderful guy." What surprised me is that no one seemed the slightest bit surprised. "Good to know you're finally together after lord knows how long." I laughed nervously then made eye contact with Hwanwoong. I couldn't tell what he was feeling as his expression was unreadable. He suddenly stood up and left the room without a word.

I put on my shirt then looked towards my bed. "He's still in my bed. I'm too tired to fight him." I thought as I climbed into bed with him. We usually ended up sleeping together a few days every week anyway. I don't know why he gets into bed with me, but I don't feel like I have the right to ask him. However, today I felt bold. "Hyung, why do you constantly feel the need to sleep with me?" "Because of your warmth." I was genuinely surprised by the answer and how quick he answered. "What's so likable about it?" "It's comforting. I feel safe." I pulled my hyung close as I felt satisfied with his answers.

Short | HwanHee ✅Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant