Chapter 73: Fall From Glory Segment 1

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"It's a wonder how you're still single, y/n."

Y/n laughed lightly and shook their head.

"No, not really."

Garnet watched as they shrugged dismissively.

"Besides. I've kind of given up on that stuff, anyway."

Garnet frowned.

"Why do you say that?"

Y/n shrugged again.

"I don't know. I mean, ever since I joined the Crystal Gems, my life has been threatened quite a bit." Y/n laughed nervously as they brought a knee up to their chest and rested their chin on it.

"Just... When I came here, I didn't know what to expect. "Finding someone" wasn't my primary goal but it could've happened, but now that I'm this deep into everything I feel like I don't have the time to fall for anyone."

Y/n sighed, their breath shaky. Garnet put a hand on their shoulder reassuringly. Y/n smiled up at her before continuing.

"Honestly...?" Y/n whispered. "I could die tomorrow. I know that could be a possibility even if I wasn't in the Crystal Gems, but since I'm now a part of a target, it's more plausible. I'm either going to die because of something now, or of old age, if I'm lucky. So what's the point of trying to find love when I've gotta be focused on being with you all?"

Y/n finished their rant, setting their head in the crook of their arm, fingers running through their hair nervously.

Garnet looked down at Y/n. She had never seen them this melancholy before, let alone heard them speak this way. A small smile crept onto her face. She leaned over to look at Y/n's face, her thumb stroking their arm.

"Who said you couldn't find love with us?"

Y/n quickly looked over at Garnet, a grin on their face.

"You're joking, right?" Y/n chuckled, sitting up, causing Garnet's hand to slide down to their back. "Are you saying I should date a gem?"

Garnet's smile faltered slightly.

"Do you have a problem with being with a gem?"

Y/n shook their head.

"No, it's not that. Just..." Y/n scoffed. "How do you expect me to get it good with a gem when I can't even get a person to like me?"

"I'd say you have a shot." Garnet said, adjusting her visor. "You forget all of the kisses you shared."

"Oh, God." Y/n groaned. "Garnet, all of those kisses are either jokes or just mindless actions! Those aren't real kisses."

"How do you know that?" Garnet asked. Y/n rolled their eyes.

"They're from Amethyst and Peridot and Lapis. Peridot and Lapis do it just because they can and Amethyst does it just to make me embarrassed! I want my first kiss to be from someone who does it because they love me, not to laugh about it!" Y/n sighed. "Besides, no gem I know would want a relationship."

"What do you mean?" Garnet asked, frowning.

"For starters, Amethyst isn't a person to commit to much, so I don't think she'd be up for a relationship. Pearl is in love with Rose and wouldn't dream of being with a human, and Peridot and Lapis are too immature for a relationship. By the time they understand how relationships work, I'll die a natural death. So that crosses out any gem as a possibility!"

"What about me?"

"What about you, Garnet? You are a relationship! You're set! You don't need anyone else!"

A sigh of frustration escaped Y/n as they looked away, biting their cheek. Garnet stared silently for a while. She suddenly spoke up, her voice barely above a whisper.

"What if I want somebody else?"

Y/n turned to look at Garnet but was quickly pulled forward into her lap. Her lips pressed against Y/n's, causing a muffled yelp to emanate from their throat. Their lips trembled against Garnet's as she pulled them closer to her, her visor disappearing as she did. Y/n looked up at Garnet, shocked at what was happening. They let out a huff of disbelief as the Gem cupped their cheek. Her gem shone brightly as she slid her palm to their temple, and Y/n blushed brightly as a wave of warmth filled their body. This was... surreal.

A soft hum resonated from Garnet as she felt Y/n relax. She opened one of her eyes just slightly to look at them. Their face was bright red, eyebrows furrowed in what she thought to be confusion or concentration, eyes shut tight. It was cute. She closed her eye and pulled Y/n flush to her chest, deepening the kiss as she did. She could feel their heart beating rapidly.

Y/n began to place their hands on Garnet's shoulder pads, but before they could, Garnet pulled away. The Gem sighed and hugged Y/n tight, pressing her lips against their ear as she whispered softly into it.

"I did that because I love you."

Without warning, Y/n lurched back and stumbled to their feet, their face turning pale. Garnet looked up at them, her visor returning as panic and confusion filled her mind. Y/n shivered and let out a shaky sigh.

"Um... We should go ahead and find that beacon. It's getting dark and I've got somewhere to be tomorrow, so..." Y/n trailed off, turning their attention to the fire pit. Confused, Garnet slowly rose to her feet. This... is what they had wanted, right? She didn't get it. One moment they were kissing her and now Y/n refused to even make eye contact with her.

Garnet looked down at the fire pit before walking past Y/n and out of the cavern. Y/n stood at the entrance silently, not looking back as Garnet left.

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