Dear Bias, I Exist.

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Dear Bias, I Exist.


I want you to marry me

I love you...

I really do love you because of who you are

I know you love someone but please notice me even in a single time… last time...

I will do anything for you.. stay up late at night just to watch your videos… sleep outside the concert venue just to make sure you will arrived alright, love you even you don’t love back, giving you to the one you truly love even it hurts... and it breaks me.

I can keep myself busy inside my room just to be with you... mentally...

i ignore those guy who confessed to me because I already have you and I will felt like I’m cheating on you..

I don’t care about what people say when I watch you...

I Disregard my grades because it’s you that is most important to me..

I don’t care anymore if I spent a lot of time and money just because of you...

I put effort just to be your ideal girl... and that I wish someday… you will notice me… not just because a I’m a ‘fangirl’... but because I suit to you..

I wish you could treat me special...not in a ‘Fan girl fan-service’ way... but as a Girl who you like and who you’ll love...

Being a Fan girl is not that Easy.

I sacrificed my money not because I needed to, but because I want to put some effort just to be noticed by you.

You served as my inspiration, my fantasy, and my ‘everything’.

Losing everything would be nothing, but losing you can tear my chest into pieces.

I love....

…the way you look when you smile...

…the way you derp, lip bite, and even the way you cry because of our supports..

Every Fangirl’s want is to be noticed by their bias...

Why won’t you give us the chance...

A chance to say "Hi" to you

A chance to hold your hands for a second

A chance to hug you...

A chance to make you feel happy...

A single Chance…

A chance... for you to know that I really do exist...

Dear Bias, I Exist.Where stories live. Discover now