Part Seven

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"You heard me, Trollhunter. Repeating myself would be more than useless."

A smile broke across Jim's face at the news, and my heart warmed for him. A way to take the armour off? Jim had already expressed his utter distaste for the armour being constantly on, so I knew he would be ecstatic. But how had Merlin been able to suddenly find a way?

"W-what is it?" Jim asked, the bright smile still radiant on his face.

Merlin gave a flourish of his hands and a bright green essence came from his hands. Only slightly moving his fingers caused the smokey essence to turn into a smaller version of Jim, standing up with his sword slung over his shoulder casually. My eyes widened as the smaller Jim bowed down to me and waved excitedly. Merlin laughed, and it surprised me more than the magic. It wasn't the first time I had seen him laugh. Merlin had, in the short time I had known him, only been calm, and oddly passionate about the things he wanted. Doing the magic didn't look like it had taken much effort, but I had already been told that he had lost all of his magic in the Battle.

"It seems that my magic has returned," Merlin revealed, "but I doubt all of my previous power will ever be restored. Trollhunter, I believe that we may be able to remove the armour you have been cursed to wear, making it that when you call upon the amulet's power, the armour appears."

"How?" I asked, and Jim hastily nodded his head to hurry him along.

The ancient wizard replied, "I was looking through my older books, as soon as I realised my magic was back and found the possible solution. All I must do is proclaim the Latin words, and the amulet should return to its prior functions."

Jim, looked at him suspiciously, having caught the catch and reluctance in Merlin's voice. "Should return? And what happens if it doesn't?"

"Then the consequences may prove to be distasteful. I must warn you, young Trollhunter, my magic may not be the most reliable."

Before turning back to Merlin, Jim turned to me for advice. "What do you think about this?"

To be honest, I was terrified. Even though I had only known Jim for a short time, I had already bonded with the young troll. He had saved my life, so I wasn't going to let him lose his. But to be rid of the armour? This had been one of the only things that Jim had disliked about becoming a troll. Even before, when I had hugged Jim, the armour had stood in the way. But what would be under the armour? And what consequences could become apparent if anything goes wrong?

"Well, if it goes right then you won't have to be in the armour. Instead of constantly being dressed up like that, you could wear normal clothes," I reminded him, choosing my words carefully. "But, if it goes wrong, would you still be Jim? I think, in any situation, if there is something that you need, that your heart desires, that you should go after it. No matter what. So, I say you do it."

Jim sent me a smile, exhaling quickly. "You always know what to say, thanks, Ro."

He turned to Merlin, who was still standing impatiently. Merlin raised an eyebrow, "What happened to lady Claire? Wasn't she supposed the target of your unrelenting affection?"

I felt my cheeks become hot, and looked down. I snuck a glance up at Jim, who stood scratching the back of his neck, a light blush slightly visible over his blue cheeks.

"She's not- we aren't-" Jim stuttered, but stopped when he realised he wouldn't get anywhere. "Besides, Claire and I broke up."

Merlin frowned, "But lady Claire was beyond perfect. How would any fault be found?"

I giggled, and Jim stifled a chuckle. "You have absolutely no idea."

Jim straightened up. "Anyway, that's completely irrelevant. The armour."

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