Chapter 9 I Found You!

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Ruby POV

Running through the forest trying go make my way to the building, my ears perked up hearing sirens. I followed the sound leading me closer to the building, red lights and loud sirens were out alerting people. There were men running to their vans and some leaving. I tried to shift into a human but it was denied. I had to find away to seek in. I lowered my ears but it perked back up, I turned around sensing something coming close. I ignored it and waited for everybody to leave. My ears perked up hearing someone's voice

"Ruby?" I turned around seeing Weiss and Blake

"Guys, What are you-" I was cut off from someone hugging me

"Don't leave me ok!" It was Blake that was crying on my back

"I...I'm sorry" I placed a paw over her back

Blake pulls pack and I moved my paw off her back. She wipes her tears off her face and looks at me with a smile.

"Come on guys, let's go save Yang. Ruby, can you shift back?" Weiss joins in

"No, I can't until the season is over"

"Ok" She looks at the building seeing all black vans gone "let's go"

We all made our way to the bridge, as we crawl our way pass the bridge we noticed all vans where finally gone. Once we made it, their was empty cages scattered everywhere. My ears perked up, I looked over one of the cage seeing two people with guns.

"Are you sure it got out?" One guy with blue hair

"Yeah I'm sure, even Rin check it" the other guy with red hair

"Maybe Rin  left the cage open?" Blue hair guys spoke

"He didn't, he flash his light and saw nothing" Red hair guy talked back

They were just talking about the wolf that escaped, I turned around seeing Blake and Weiss waving at me. The pointed at a vent.

"Ruby can you fit?" Weiss whispers

"I'll try" I crawled over to them

I crawled in only to but stopped, only my head could fit. I pulled back and looked at them.

"I can't" i mumble

"Ok then me and Blake will go" Weiss starts to crawl in

Yang POV

Hitting my head against the cage didn't work. I started to chew on the bars but it didn't work.

"You can't get out kid, you'll have to wait until the season if over." I heard another wolf talking

I looked across seeing another wolf having its head down on top of its paw.

"Why do we have to wait until the season is over?"

"They want to hunt down the animals and sell them, since they found out about us wolves been hunting them down. They decided to capture all wolves so they can go hunting" the wolf lifted its head up

I didn't care on what that wolf said, I looked at the lock. I stick my paw out between the bars, I stick my claw into the lock which hurt a bit. I tired to pick lock with my claw, I didn't know what to do so I just move my claw around and tired to figure out on how to pick lock. Hearing a click the cage door opens a little.

" did you do that!?" The wolf across stood up

I pushed the cage open, I walked over to the wolf. I tired to pick lock it with my claw until it clicks, the cage opens up and the wolf runs.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2018 ⏰

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