Chapter Nineteen

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"You know how they're saying SoDale will mostly be low income housing? Well, apparently, there'll be a few penthouses at the top. Would be more than enough space for all of us. Your mom, Jellybean. . Just like you always wanted," FP explained mainly to Jughead.

Carson finished up her burger, grabbing another and taking a bite of that one.

"Just imagine me, standing on that balcony and looking over a prison. . right in the same spot that all my friends and I used to go to school. And Jellybean, growing up in a town where Best hope, or only hope aside from getting the hell out, is to work at the prison?" Jughead sighed and looked down, "It's not right."

Carson sighed, "What'd you say to him?"

FP looked at the raven haired girl and sighed, "Nothing. I hung up on his ass and went to Pop's and got some burgers."

Carson and Jughead smiled, causing FP to smile back and wrap arms around their shoulders while they ate their burgers.

The next morning, the other serpents we're back and a group had formed around them; everyone was chanting, 'Save our school! Save our school!'

Archie made his way over to them with bolt cutters, leading the whole wrestling team. Carson lifted her head off of Sweet Pea's shoulder, watching as FP stood in front of Jughead before Archie could reach him.

"Cops may let you by, Red, but you come in here acting like a big man and I will knock you down," he threatened.

"FP, don't! They'll throw you in jail. Don't give him an excuse," Carson exclaimed, Jughead pulling FP away from Archie.

Carson and Sweet Pea shared a look before they looked back at the scene in front of them.

"I'm sorry, Jughead," Archie apologized.

"Me too. I'm not gonna fight you, Archie. Look around. It may have taken a couple of days, but now people know what Hiram's doing, what's happening here. This fight is not gonna go away," Jughead shook his head.

Carson walked up to them, "We're not gonna go away. So go on, cut us down. We want them to see you do it."

Carson scoffed when Archie had cut off Jughead's chains. Carson walked back to Sweet Pea and waited for Archie to come around to them.

When he did, he cut off Sweet Pea's first before looking at Carson.

"Why're you doing this? Why did you do this? You're not one of them, Carson. You're a Lodge. Shouldn't you be with your family?"

Carson narrowed her eyes, "You think my family cares for me? All they care about is their stupid money."

Archie cut off Carson's chains then pushed her forward, causing her to immediately turn around and slap him as hard as she could.

Everyone ran silent, Sweet Pea an Jughead walked up to her and giving her shocked expressions.

"Don't you dare lay a hand on me."

Carson walked into the dining room where her mother and father sat. She walked up in front of them and placed the paper that said the apartment in the apartment complex not so far from them was hers.

"What's this?" Hiram asked.

Carson smiled, "Isn't it obvious? I'm moving out, dad, mom. This way I won't be in your way of your most evil schemes and hold you back or give out secret information. That's all. I'll be out by later on. You can change my room into a guest room; I've already bought a couch and a bed and some other decorations for my small get humble home. This apartment is under my name so there's no way you can take it from me. And in return for me staying out of your way, you'd let me keep it. I'm turning eighteen in only a couple weeks. I can handle myself."

"If this is what you want —"

"Oh, mom. I've wanted this since I was a little girl," Carson informed them before turning on her heel and walking to her room.

She packed all her things into suitcases, one for clothes, one for shoes, one for valuable objects and frames, and one for her stuffed bears that she had to bring along.

"How're you even getting there with all those bags? You ride a motorcycle," Hermione furrowed her brows, crossing her arms over her chest.

Carson smiled, "Mom, I have friends. I'm sorry I have to leave you here with dad and Veronica, but I don't doubt that you can manage."

Later on, Carson tugged down all her suitcases down to the lobby of the Pembrook, smiling at her friend Taylor. Taylor helped Carson put her bags into her trunk and backseat then they got into the car and drove off to the apartment complex.

When Carson had finally gotten there, she smiled and let out a squeal. She was free.

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