the kiss

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"Av being calling you n now it feels like a century I...."
" stop throwing tantrums" travois said  oh good just good I have being calling him and he hasn't being picking up my calls and now he is accusing me of throwing tantrums
" who do you think you are huh.." I asked then before I could could finish he said " look kara I had a very long today be a supportive girlfriend and let me sleep" he said his voice was pleading I had to let him sleep but I was tired tired of pleasing everyone in the world except me I was tired of being a good daughter tired of being a supportive girlfriend tired of not being able to do what I really wanted honestly till date I had never done anything on my own I was always depending on my mom listen to everything she said and pleasing my boyfriend my mind yell at me but again their was nothing that I could do nothing at all or even if their was something I didn't know it their was only one thing that was me wearing jumpsuit that was all me I felt like that was the only fucking part I could control my fucking life
I woke up early I had presentation to present  I look at my wardrobe that was full of jumpsuits *who wears jumpsuit on winters* I remembered the stupid boy's words I shake my head took a black v capped jumpsuit with my black and glass heels I took a quick bath and I sat for makeup *stop throwing tantrums* it played again in my mind well maybe its high time I stop throwing them I placed my hair in a bun "kara" I heard my mom I looked at my watch only half an hour had remain "god I woke up early" I said slightly hitting my head I swam into the jumpsuit n applied strawberry splash actually my favourite strawberry were just perfect not more than cold milk thinking about cold milk I remembered breakfast I rushed downstairs I was about to take the coffee in my tongue when I heard " I ll drop you off" I turned to see my mom well to please her I agreed left the coffee and followed her I laughed at how good I was when it comes to pleasing her
"Stay away from trouble" my mom said while taking a brake
"I ll" I said honestly I always stay away from trouble but trouble loves me too much that it find its way to me
I walk but I felt like all eyes were on me I felt like I forgot to put on some clothes but it was there my make up was perfect I had no mascara on my lips...but why??? Why was everyone looking at me they were pitying me
"Pumpkin" Elsa my best friend called me
"Pumpkin I feel like everyone is looking at me" I whispered
"Darling come with me" she seriously said taking my arm I went with her to the hall she made me sit then gave me a bottle of water
"It must be hard for you bae I understand" she told me I swear I was not understanding her
"T'sup" I asked eying her
"You don't know"
"Know what"
"You haven't see"
"See what"
I was lost now and I needed answers "Elsa talk to me" I told her
"Its a video of Travois and another guy kissing it has gone vairo especially when Travois said he loved the mysterious guy" I couldn't feel my legs maybe because I was sitting
"I want to see the video"
"No I don't think it....
" I said I want to see it" I said a bit determined then Elsa show me it was true the kiss was full of passion,desire I could see love in it Travois has never kissed me like that he was kissing the guy while leaving at the moment when it ended I saw disappointment in his eyes I knew he never wanted it to end tears fell I was crying him a river while he was kissing another person of his same sex

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2018 ⏰

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