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Who wants a double chapter? I figured you guys deserved one after having to wait forever for me to update.

So I've had a request for advice on coming out. So This is for you.

The first thing about coming out which I've already said but really need to stress is that if coming out would put you in any sort of danger from parents, relatives, bullies (that's physical danger with bullies because all of us in the LGBT community get verbally harassed and it's inevitable. So sometimes you just have to ignore them. If the bullies would physically harm you then that's one of the times where it's much safer to be in the closet.) So if you are in any danger please only come out where it's safe.

Okay now we got the danger out of the way, coming out is actually amazing. Please ,if you know you'll be safe, come out. We need more representatives in the world. It's so freeing.

Okay advice on coming out. Well coming out is something that reflects you. I'm a very creative person so when I came out as non-binary I wrote a song which you can find in chapter 4 conveniently labeled Coming out. I also turned myself into a giant rainbow because I'm super outgoing. I've written a letter because I'm obviously a writer.

You can sit your parent(s) or guardian(s) down and just tell them. If you're not very good at confrontation I'd suggest the letter approach.

I do not recommend the over text approach. Coming out is something important and meaningful you can't express that emotion through a five word text. If you can't contact whoever you're trying to come out to face to face try calling them. Trust me it will be so much better in the end. 

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