3. I Met Him on a Sunday

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Through her blurry eyed state and soft sobs, Kori managed to speak.

"I'm- Im Kori," she whispered, staring at Jack hesitantly.

So many questions were circulating through her mind.

Why is he wearing gloves?

Why is he wearing that mask?

Where did he get the money he spent to buy me?

And most importantly:

Why did he buy me!?

But the question that came out of her mouth was:

"Where are your eyes?"

Jack looked alarm, or as alarmed as someone with a mask could look anyway. But instead of answering, he tilted his head ever so slightly and turned around, leaving the room without a word.

He took a few steps before stopping and leaning against the hallway wall in quiet wonder.

Of course he wondered how she knew they weren't part of the mask, but he was beginning to think maybe she was in her own whole league of freak. But the entire question in itself unnerved him. No one ever flat out asked him.

Sure his only friend was Jeff and Jeff never really seemed to care about technicalities, but he still had beat around the bush a little to find out what exactly had happened to Jack. But Jeff never straight out asked him why he was different or what he even was.

Hell, Jack didn't really know what he was.

One day he was Jack, preparing for an upcoming exam in medical school during the 1960s.

And then one day, he wasn't.

He was Jack waking up in a field with grey skin and his eyes gauged out and to this day he still can't remember for the life of him, how that came to be.

He remembered some things. Like the music he used to listen to or the bubblegum he used to chew and how he had never ate meat a day in his life before the incident. He even remembered the girl who led him to his death.

If he even had died.

Jack always sorta assumed they killed him and brought him back as something else. But he wasn't sure. Maybe this was always inside him and they just brought it out.

He didn't know.

And at this point, decades later, he didn't really care anymore.

He almost forgot the girl was there until she spoke again.

"I am sorry if that- if that was too direct. I just-"

Jack cut her off, recognizing her subtle accent.

"You're not from here, are you?"

He turned around so he could see her face. Her eyes were wide and watching, only slightly glossy now. Her wild dark brown locks were cast around her shoulders and face.

"I'm from Croatia," she mumbled.

A gentle breeze drew in from the small window high up in his basement. It danced across Kori's shoulders and blew her scent toward Jack.

He inhaled sharply.

It was earthy and warm and something he would usually pass up except for the underlying sickeningly sweet smell. It reminded him of honey or some sort of nectar. He fixated on her form, his body suddenly going rigid.


His mouth watered and his predatory instincts were beginning to creep up on him.

"I have to go."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2018 ⏰

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