Chapter 2

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Here's another chapter! Tell me watcha think!

Ok now I know this chapter doesn't have a lot of Alex but a lot of Jack, just give it time please!

Let me know what you think.

*Sorry for any mistakes*


Jess drove around trying to figure out something to do until she thought it was safe to go home. She had the feeling that Alex was following her or something. What does he want with me? She asks to herself.

Jess always is afraid of opening up to people. Every time she does, people leave. She wants someone to talk to, but she can't trust anyone even her family. The only person she trusts is her father that went missing. Her father was the person she trusted with everything. He helped her through school and he was the one who got her into her escape. No one knew what happened with him. Jess has wanted to find out for awhile, but her mom told her to give up. She remembers the day that her mom told her to give up...


"Jess! I swear! Just stop looking for your father! It's pointless!" She yells at Jess.

"Mom! You don't understand! You don't understand anything!" Jess yells back looking at her computer.

"You know what! He most likely left because you're this stubborn ass trouble child no one wants to deal with. It's your fault and you know it."

"Then why are you dealing with me?" She snaps

Her mom squinted her eyes and gritted through her teeth, "Maybe because I feel sorry for you unfortunately."

Her mom was very heartless towards her. Jess and her mom never got along. Jess was about to cry, but then Jess stood up and faced her mom.

"Well maybe he left cause he couldn't handle someone like you and there's no need to feel sorry for me since I basically take care of myself." Her mom stood there wide eyed at the words she told her. Out of anger, her mom slapped her face and it wasn't an easy slap.

"You're grounded. I'm done with your ass. I'm taking all your electronics! Now!" Her mom yelled walking into Jess's room grabbing her laptop, iPod, and phone.

Jess stood there with this hurt/pissed face and watched her mom snatch up every electronic of Jess's. "And just to let you know Jess. You are the reason he left."

With those last words, Jess's mom slammed the door to Jess's room shut, leaving Jess standing there speechless and heartbroken. Jess stood there not believing what her mom said. There had to be a reason he left. She failed to believe the man who raised her better than her mom and introduced her to her escape left because of her. She held the cheek her mom slapped trying not to cry, but it hurt so much.

All she felt like doing was crying. As she makes her way to her vanity she notices a red mark of a hand on her face. She shook her head and let tears run down her face.

"I'm done with everything."

*back to present*

Every time that she thought of that night, she would tear up. Out of everything that night, what her mom said was scarred into her brain. As to this day, Jess still doesn't believe that.

As Jess kept driving around she decided to head home. There was nothing else to around town unless you had a friend to do things with. Once Jess made it home she parked her car and grabbed her guitar out of the backseat where it stayed most of the time, but today she needed to string it with new strings.

"Hey! You're the girl from the park! That was awesome!" Jess jumped as she heard voices behind her.

"What the hell?" She snapped.

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