Couple Tattoo

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NIALL: A Four Leaf Clover
(You and Niall go to the fair and when you see they are doing air brush tattoos you both decide to getting matching four leaf clovers! He holds you hand the hold time as if it were a real tattoo which you thought was adorable!)

LIAM: Minnie Mouse(you) and Mickie Mouse (him)
(You both love Disney and that is where you went for your honeymoon together so to remember that special day you got a Minnie Mouse tattoo on your hip and he got a Mickie Mouse tattoo on his hip. As you were both getting the tattoo you talked about all the great memories from your honeymoon.)

HARRY: Lock And Key
(You get a heart lock and he gets a key that fits the lock; both of you get it on the back of your shoulder. They symbolize how he is the only one that can have your heart and knows how to 'unlock' your emotions. This being your first tattoo he holds your hand and whispers words of encouragement to you until the tattoo artist is done.)

LOUIS: Anchors
(You get them on your one year anniversary to symbolize how you keep each other ground. You were extremely nervous to get the tattoo so Louis went first and then sat with you while you were getting yours, occasionally yelling to the tattoo artist to stop hurting you which made you laugh and forget the pain a little!)

ZAYN: the words "Te Amo" (means I love you" and the date you got married
(You love each other whole heartedly and want everyone to know! The day you got married was the happiest day of you life so you want to be reminded of it everyday! You both got the tattoo on your ankle. You both have tattoos so it wasn't too painful but as you both laid on the table getting the tattoo you reached across the aisle so you could hold hands!)

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