Facing Fears

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He Helps You Face Your Fear Of.....

LOUIS: Heights; You have always been afraid of heights since the time you fell out of a tree and broke your arm when you were 8. Louis decided to help you get over your fear because he didn't want it to control your life. While you two were in Australia he took you couples zip-lining! You were reluctant to go but louis dragged you there telling you that you could thank him later! You were scared out of your mind but with Louis' arms tightly around you, you realized that you were safe and the world looked even more beautiful from above!

HARRY: Public Speaking; Ever since you were in grade 3 and did your first class presentation you have been scared of speaking in front of large crowds. You have missed a lot of great opportunities because of this fear so Harry decided to help you get over it! During one of their concerts Harry brought you up on stage and made you introduce yourself to the crowd and tell them about yourself! When you started to get flustered Harry would squeeze your hand and tell the crowd a cheesy joke to me them and you laugh! You hated him for making you do it at the time but it did help you get over your fear.

ZAYN: The Dark; Ever since you were 5 years old you have been terrified of the dark. One night you and Zayn were sitting on the couch watching a movie in your shared apartment (with the lights on) while it stormed outside. All of a sudden there was a BANG and the lights went out leaving the apartment pitch black. You began to freak out so Zayn walked over to you and pulled you into a bear hug telling you that everything was going to be ok. Since you couldn't watch the movie anymore and it was too dark to find candles, you and Zayn decided to cuddle in bed all night. While laying in the quiet dark you realized that the dark wasn't scary but was actually peaceful! Since that day you have looked forward to another black out so you can laying in the comfortable, quiet dark with the man you love!

NIALL: Needles; You have always been afraid of needles since the day that one of your doctors accidentally put the needle into your arm the wrong way causing it to bleed and bruise. Today you were at the doctors office with Niall waiting to get your flu shot. As you sat on the exam table your legs shook uncontrollably and your face was pale, Niall noticed and hoped up on the table to comfort you. When the doctor walked in and you started hyperventilating, Niall set you on his lap and rubbed your back until you calmed down! Then he decided to get his shot first to show you it wasn't a big deal and he didn't even flinch as the needle penetrated his arm. After he was done getting his needle, Niall held you close and whispered sweet words of encouragement in your ear along with a few "I love you my brave princess" Before you even realized it the doctor was done and you were free to go!

LIAM: Flying; You and Liam had to fly to Paris for his concert. You have never flown before but you have seen many movies where the plane crashes and everyone inside either dies or is stranded and you are scared that was gonna happen to you. As you and Liam were walking to the plane you started to panic, which Liam noticed so he stopped you and told you to just take some deep breaths. He cupped your face in his soft hands and told you "Everything is going to be ok. There is nothing to be afraid of, I fly all the time and look I'm still here happy and alive!" You smiled and he kissed your cheek. Liam took you hand, intertwining your fingers and his hand never left yours till the minute you were safely off the plane.

Hey! I wanna thank everyone who is reading this! Please comment and vote! I might try and put another one up today if not then defiantly tomorrow!

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