「 ✩ * ❥ 06 / UNBROKEN ALIBIS.」

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" unbroken alibis "

" unbroken alibis "

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An hour had gone by and Winter found herself alone with nothing to do other than watch the sunlight dance through the small openings between the hospital's blinds. 

  Avery had gone down to the hospital's food court. The sweet-hearted girl had wasted no time in rushing to her friend's bedside, but she'd forgotten to get something to eat on the way. The four of them (the two girls and two police officers) had been sitting and chatting, but when Avery's stomach began to rumble (the apple Winter handed to her didn't do much to appease her appetite), she realized what she had neglected to do.

Following Avery's departure, Officer Mahtook's phone began to ring. When he answered the call, it didn't take long for him to start apologizing to whomever was on the other end of the line. Thankfully Officer Jones was there to explain that it was probably their boss, Chief Cabrera, and that he was likely 'reading Mikie the riot act.'

They both excused themselves to try to get a word in edgewise with their apparently irate boss, which, therefore, left Winter alone with her thoughts.

It was easy to feel as though she was the only person left in the entire hospital, due to the complete lack of noise around her. Winter could just make out the sounds of nurses and doctors speaking at the floor's main desk, despite the fact that it was more than a few rooms down the hall.

Winter knew that it was a good thing that she was by herself, because she had a hunch that  terror was looming on the horizon. Mena was on her way to see her and it wasn't a matter of if she'd yell, but how loud she'd get when she decided.

The standoff was imminent and accordingly, Winter found it hard to stay calm.

Mena was hell on heels and her wrath was like no other. As much as Winter wanted to hope, wish and pray that her step-mother could be civil, she knew better. She knew that the only 'civil' with Mena was a civil war. 

The woman had a habit of being notoriously late, so Winter wasn't holding her breath that her step-mother would be at the hospital anytime soon (because that would be contingent on her caring, which, ha). Winter might not have been able to relax and take it easy, but she could try.

The brown-eyed girl owed it to herself to try. She decided that she would check and see if hospital TV was as bad as she'd heard. It would be nice to get a kick out of that.

Much to Winter's surprise, after she sat up a little straighter to get a better view of the television that was perched on the opposite wall, a voice broke the silence.

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