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" questions, but no answers "

" questions, but no answers "

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Winter found herself falling deeper, deeper into darkness. It swallowed her whole and, when she thought it would spit her back out again, she fell deeper still.

Her father was missing. Who knew how long he'd been gone and if he'd ever be found. Winter's mind was filled with questions that she was anxiously awaiting answers for.

Where was he? Was he alone? Was he alright? Had someone brought him somewhere against his will? Had they lured him there with false promises?

One question in particular caused a brisk, icy chill to race her spine: was he even still alive?

He had to have been.

Winter didn't think her father had it in him to engage in behavior that would ensure he could be hated by anyone, even his worst enemies. Who were these enemies? What did they want from him?

Oh no. The sudden shortness of breath was all too familiar to Winter. She looked down and noticed that her hands were shaking, too. This couldn't be happening right now. She wished she was anywhere but  here. Winter wondered exactly where she was (the last she remembered, she was in her garden with the police officer but then, nothing but this darkness), but she didn't think she was alone. 

She could hear some breathing (over the deafening sound of the blood rushing in her head) and went to open her mouth, only for no sound to come out.

She wished that this panic attack that was on the verge of ripping her to shreds could have at least waited until she was alone, but it never did. It felt like she never was truly free and that it was lurking, waiting for her around each and every corner. She was never safe, because it never waited or hesitated. She was never ready because it didn't care to wait. This particular monster never had patience for Winter, her father, or anyone.

The breathing got louder and she could feel something on her face. Finally, thankfully, Winter found her voice.

"Hello? Who's there?" she squeaked out.

(Okay, so she didn't have her strong voice, but it was her voice all the same. That counted).

"Winter?" All at once, her father came out of the darkness and stepped into a beam of light, making it seem almost like a spotlight was shining down on him.

What? What in the world?, she wondered to herself.

"Dad -- I thought you were --"

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