Before I could say another word, they all sat down. Robert across from me, Alex from Whitney, and Austin from Kyle, who sat beside Whitney. It was quiet and I could feel all of the boy's looking at me. But of course, I ignored them.

Kyle slammed her fists down on the table, taking all of the guys' attention away from mine with her eyes wide with what seemed like enthusiasm. She hadn't even noticed that I was sitting here. Typical Kyle. "You guys remember Juliet Saunders? She goes here again! Did you now that, Whitney?" She exclaimed. I laughed quietly, my eyes awkwardly at my lap.

"Uh, Ky?" Whitney raised an eyebrow. "She's sitting right here."

After she motioned that I was in fact sitting right at the table with all of them, my eyes moved over to Kyle's, watching as her's stayed emotionless. "No, not her!" She giggled, waving her hand. I just happened to look at Austin who had his eyebrow raised as well. Only he was looking at me, basically telling me that he wasn't surprised that Kyle was saying this, though he didn't need to say a word.

I just laughed.

"That's her. That's our best friend. That's Juliet." Whitney explained, still staying completely patient with her. I guess she was used to Kyle not being the brightest. Only now, she seemed to be handling it differently. She used to degrade her ad Kyle would just sit there and take it, but now Whitney was nice about it.

Kyle shot up from the table. "Oh my god, Juliet!" She exclaimed, scurrying over to me. Just as I stood, she enveloped me in a bone-crushing hug. I could barely bring my arms around her since she was holding on so tight, but I managed. "You look great!" She gushed, pulling back from me and studying my appearance.

"Thanks." I replied confidently. If I was to have all of this attention on me a few years ago, I would be blushing like crazy. But I was obviously more than used to it now. "You do too."

She grinned cheekily, sitting back down in her seat after I did. Again, it was silent and I could feel all of the boys' eyes on me. I wondered if it was always this quiet. Was it because of me? Well, I guess since all of the guys were too busy catching flies, they couldn't talk.

Austin was actually scowling at the other two, and I immediately knew he was jealous. Maybe I could have a little fun with this.

"Hey, guys. Quit staring at her. She doesn't like any of you." Whitney declared, her eyes like daggers at Alex and Robert. They both snapped their heads to face her, giving her the same look. Austin had a satisfied smirk on his lips, probably thanking Whitney in his head immensely.

They both opened their mouths to fight back, but that's when I realized it was my perfect opportunity to make Austin even more jealous.

"No, it's fine." I declared, sounding a little more eager than I had hoped.

Keep cool. I told myself.

I smiled over at Alex and then Robert, seeing that they were watching me now. I could feel Whitney's eyes on me, confused and curious. Austin was confused too, but also a little angry again. "I don't mind at all, actually." I purred, cocking my head to the side.

Alex and Robert glanced at each other excitedly, and I looked over at Austin. He might as well have flashing lights over his head that read "I'm jealous," because it was more than obvious.

Nonchalantly, I leaned back, pretending to fix my skirt, and moved closer to Whitney's ear. "I'll explain later." I whispered softly. She furrowed her eyebrows and then nodded slowly, not having a single idea of what I was going to get out of flirting with Alex and Robert.

My eyes shifted over to Austin, his eyes locked on mine with nothing but pure resentment. Not towards me as a person, but towards what I was doing. It was clear to me that he wasn't used to other girls brushing him off like I was. That only motivated me to do it more.

Stay Away From Juliet (Austin Mahone Love Story / Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now