| THE BOYZ | Imagine #3 - Eric |

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Summary: Eric and you are barely starting to meet each other deeply and in many different ways that both of you didn't recognize from each other

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Summary: Eric and you are barely starting to meet each other deeply and in many different ways that both of you didn't recognize from each other. Eric wants this relationship to work more than anything since he believes that you are the one, so to keep on going with a great relation he invited you to date.

Words: 1173.


You're first starting to date Eric seriously before he declared to you how much he wanted this relationship to work everything was like an innocent game for both of you; he was in love with you and both of you constantly were goofing around while the members were just teasing with their silly actions. It wasn't that serious at that time, you actually lasted one whole year just like a playful couple and to be honest you didn't make any other move since you wanted to go slow.

Today Eric invited you to the park since some of the boys wanted to go there to relax a bit before going to any other activity from their schedule. He told you some things you needed to be ready for, like falling, running and having fun which sounds that he's going to put you to do some sort of sport with him.


As soon as you arrived at the park you started to search for Eric while looking around you noticed a little group of boys waving at you and there's when you noticed who came with Eric; Juyeon, Younghoon and Sunwoo. Excited, you walked towards them and you greeted them all happily, they started to talk with you about their days but then Eric interrupted them since he was a bit impatient.

-Alright, alright, blue prince. Go with Y/N to your date but you have to be back, okay? – Younghoon said as he chuckled a little.

-Thanks! We'll be back later! – Eric said excitedly as you two got up from the grass.

-Good luck Y/N – Juyeon said while laughing.

-Why? – You asked confused when suddenly you saw Eric grabbing his skateboard that was beside Sunwoo.

-I hope you don't fall – Sunwoo said as he looked at you happily.

-Thanks for giving him the idea – You said as you looked at Eric concerned.

-*Laugh* you'll be okay – Eric said before he took your hand and started to walk away from the rest of the boys.

Eric took you a bit away from them and then he just placed his skateboard on the ground, he started to move around with it and of course, he tried to impress you by doing tricks.

-You should try! It's awesome – Eric said while moving around you with the skateboard.

-No, thanks. I'm good just by watching – You said as you looked at him happily. Eric immediately got down the skateboard and walked towards you, then he gave you a sweet kiss on your cheek.

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