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I wake up to the sound of my phone alarm going off. I keep forgetting to change the annoying tweeting sound to something possibly less annoying. Gathering my clothes for the day, I make my way to the shower. Images from throughout out this week flood my head. She's always so angry, so disappointed, and it seems nothing me or anyone does satisfies her, she always finds something new to bitch about.

Some days I couldn't even call her "Mom" and if I did she'd ignore me for the day, or sometimes even the week. Don't get me wrong she has her good days, and she'll cook dinner and we'll actually be a small little family. But those days didn't come very often.

"Lydia!" My little sister Kat called from outside the bathroom door. "Seriously! Lydia, you're going to use all the hot water!" Kat yelled banging on the door.

I seriously couldn't stand that Kat has to witness all these mood swings. She's sixteen now and doesn't need any of that. Not only is she an honors student but she works extremely hard at the mall to get her own money and save for college, even though chances are she'd probably get a scholarship.

Tearing myself away from these thoughts, I finally shut the shower off and wrapped my towel around my body. Just as I was opening the door, Kat was about to knock again damn near giving me a black eye.

"Whoa there, Tyson." I teased and rushed into my room to get dressed. After quickly dressing and throwing my hair into a messy bun I went outside to the garage.

The slick black Mercedes was gone from its usual place which meant mom was gone. We never really see her in the morning, but it was fine we'd never been a family to sit down and have a big breakfast. Usually I'd just grab a granola bar and an apple juice and be on my way.

As we finally rolled into the parking lot of the school, I turned to Kat.

"What?" She asked with a huge smile.

"Oh, nothing just wanted to know why you were still in my car." I blinked.

"Oh." Her smile saddened, and turned to get out the car. "See you later."

"Oh, shit wait forgot something." I paused for a dramatic affect "Happy Birthday." I went into to the glove department and pulled out a box that contained the bracelet she's been wanting for months, but refused to buy. "Now, get the hell out my car kid."

As her face lit back up and she left the car, I instantly felt sad. The thought of her actually believing I forgot her sixteenth birthday crushed me. I've made it my priority to be her family since the one we currently had wasn't the best.

I walked into my first class with the biggest smile on my face. It was the first day, of junior year, couldn't be more happier about that. The only thing that saddened me about that, was that I only had one more year with my closest friends. We'd been together since freshman year. Some longer than others. In the beginning there was at least twenty of us, but slowly the number dropped as did the friends. Now it was just six of us.

There was me; the not so quiet opinionated bitch. Not so good with the school stuff though.

Vanessa; the band geek, who kept high grades, but wasn't exactly the nicest person. She has a whole bunch of piercings on her ears and a stud on her nose. So when people say

that she's top of the class it's always hard to believe.

Abigail; Short and curvy. That's basically how any and everybody describes her, but her body wasn't the only thing about her she was also captain of the Volleyball team.

Justin is a cute curly haired boy who's always trying to find a girlfriend. He moved from England when he was ten and still had the accent. I've known him since grade school and even then he was always trying to play spin the bottle.

And then there's Jacob and Jordan; they're twins but acted nothing alike. Jacob wants to move to California to become an actor, but Jordan wants to become a lawyer.

They all have made a big impact on my life and I'm expecting them to give me one hell of a year, because I haven't really been able to have any real fun since my parents split.

Finally the teacher walked in and we did introductions. And as the day dragged on that's all we did.

Patiently I waited for lunch to come around so that I could properly talk to my friends without teachers calling us out and telling us they'll give us detention on the first day if we didn't stop.

"Guess who?" Someone said as they covered my eyes.

"There's not a lot of people who have an accent like that in this school. So it's gotta be-" I placed my hands on top of Justin's hands and turned around. "you."

"Dammit you've got me." He sighed and started walking with me towards our lunch table. "You didn't really text me much over the summer, how've you been." Not having to say it I know he meant how was I doing with my parents divorce.

So I told him what I've been telling everyone since it happened.

"I'm fine, it's not really a big deal."

"Yes, please go and continue and lie to me." Justin knew me too well, and I couldn't hate him more for it.

"Okay, it's been pretty crappy but, I'll be fine. I'll learn to be fine." I admitted, and couldn't even look him in the eye.

"Lyd -" He started.

"GUYS!" Abigail yelled as she sat down.

Justin dropped whatever he was go going to say and smiled at Abigail, and started talking about a back to school party. I tuned them out and thought about what I told Justin.

I am fine. I told myself. I am.

BittersweetTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon