Chapter Two

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Raven's P.O.V

As soon as I sat down I was bombarded with questions. "Who are you? How do you know Dumbledore? Are you really a Merlin?" I looked at the person across from and stared at him, he was the only silent person on this whole table. He has platinum blonde hair the exact opposite color of mine, his skin is almost as pale as his hair. I then realized that there were two light gray eyes staring back at me, "Like what you see sweetheart?" His words broke me out of my daze, "Not much to see sweetheart" There was a chorus of oohs as the boy blushed in embarrassment. The chatter was interrupted by the appearance of dinner onto the table. Dishes of every kind filled the table top as the students began to eat their share of the meal. I grabbed some salad and chicken and put it onto my plate and began to eat.

After everyone was full Albus stood up from his chair and began speaking, "Now that everyone has filled their stomachs I have a few announcement to make. This year we have another new Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher, please welcome Professor Moody." The doors flew open as the second person that night made a flashy entrance. The man limped his way down the aisle with his left eyes swinging around seemingly staring at everyone. He went up to the head table and sat at the open seat. "Yes welcome Professor. Now I am sorry to say this but Quidditch will be cancelled for the year." There was a massive uproar as students began to protest against the news. "Quiet! The reason is because this year we will be hosting the Triwizard Tournament. Now this tournament is extremely dangerous that is why because of the death toll the ministry shut it down but they have allowed us to begin the tradition once again. But only students over 17 are allowed to participate." At those words there was another uproar and students who were disappointed and angry that they wouldn't get to participate in the tournament. "Right now as we are hosting the Tournament there will be two other schools staying here with us for the year. Please welcome Beauxbaton Academy. For the third time that evening the grand doors swung open to reveal a parade of girls dressed in blue uniforms. At the end of the line there was a abnormally tall woman who I recognized as the headmistress who was half giant. Albus greeted the woman and the blue clad girls sat down at the Ravenclaw table. "And also welcome the Durmstrang Institute." The doors burst open and a group of older looking boys came marching through banging sticks on the ground and twirling fire poles around. The two headmasters shook hands as the boys came to sit at our table. "Right now off to bed" Dumbledore said after everyone had settled down. The whole hall bustled out the doors off to their common rooms. I made my way down to the dungeons. When I walked into the common room I noticed a faint glow over the room. There were some plush green chairs surrounding the fireplace and the walls were painted green with the Slytherin crest strung up upon the wall. 

I walked up to the dormitories and made up way to my room to begin unpacking. After 10 minutes I was completely unpacked and decided to go down to the common room to read for a bit. I sat on the comfiest looking chair and began. Not even a paragraph into the book and I was interrupted by a small cough. I looked up to see the blonde haired boy from dinner. I smiled up at him and said, "Yes?" "What are you reading?" "Hogwarts; A History." "I'm sorry about dinner. I never properly introduced myself, I'm Draco Malfoy." he said sticking his hand out, "Raven Merlin" I replied with a smile returning his handshake. 

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