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Song: Say Something

But don't play it now, I'll tell you when.

"Everybody, listen up, we need to split up. They are coming after us." My mother states. She hands all of us guns.

"My powers aren't as strong as before, I can not protect you all." My mother, being the powerful sorceress that she is, married my father of course, and had us, Me, I'm Nora by the way, My fraternal twin sister, Marin, My older brother James, My younger brother, Bryce, and my younger sister, Logan.

Anyways, my father was also a sorcerer, but he wasn't as powerful as my mother. One day, he went out at night to help a friend who's car broke down, and he never came back.

He was bitten by a vampire.

But the weird thing about it is, he sent us a letter explaining everything,

I still have it, locked in my jewelry box.

Dear my Loves,

Unfortunately, a few nights ago I was bitten. But, I can still feel my heart beating. My eyes are red but I still have a blush on my cheeks. I went to a very powerful and old vampire. He basically told me I'm half and half, which both effects me and my offsprings. He says my offsprings will all lose something. Whether it be a talent, a sense, anything. I would come back to you, but I'm just not safe for you. I've already made enemies, so lay low, move to a small town, and don't draw attention to yourselves. And most importantly, don't reveal my identity or my relationship to you. This will put both you and me in grave danger. I may write you all again, I may not.

More than likely the later.

If we do meet again, it will be because you get turned. I will never return to you. I will distance myself from you as much as possible. I have already left the country, don't come looking for me, it's for your safety.

But do know, that I will always love you, even if I can't feel such emotions as love, if I have too I will list all the things that I like about each and everyone of you.

Don't stay in touch



Don't stay in touch huh? *scoffs*

Have you ever just missed somebody so damn much, that you feel like... Shit?

That's how I feel right now.

I'm pretty sure that's how we are all feeling.

See, what had happened was, long story short we moved to a small town, laid low, but my sister fell in love, and told her 'love' everything. When I say everything I mean 'EVERYTHING'!

Her love actually turned out to be a wolf.

Gawd, I hate wolves. They hate us.

Which is really odd because they get along fine with the vamps. But then again the vamps hate us too. hmm...

Anyways, that wolf happened to be a spy who worked for a man whose name is Anonymous. Anyway, wolfy boy told him everything and I guess he's using us as collateral damage against my father.

Well now, we are being hunted by Mr Anonymous and his men. And let me tell you, they are closer than my dermis and epidermis.

"I don't want to split up from you, but if we stay together, we have a higher chance of being found." she says

We all look at each other in sorrow and despair.

Well they all do.

I however am determined to fight for my life.

"I want you guys to run. One goes first, wait two minutes, next one goes. Run as fast as you possibly can. Meet me on the bridge over the sandy creek in an hour. I love you all. Keep these guns to protect yourselves with, they are laced with silver and holy water."

She takes a deep breath.

"Okay, ready?" she asks




She takes off into the night. Had I known this would be the last time I'd ever see my mother, I would have taken off with her, I'm pretty sure we all would.

"Alright Marin, you're next." James says

He glances out the window

"Alright, GO!"

Marin takes off into the night

"Alright, I know mom said for us to split up, but Bryce and Logan, stay together, don't leave one another no matter what" he says

"James! Mom said to split up! For all we know that could be her dying wish, don't disobey her!" I say, with disbelief evident in my voice

"No, Bryce is ten, Logan is 13, there's no way they can make it out there alone." He says

I stay quiet, maneuvering over this.

He is right.

"Okay, Bryce, Logan, do not split up, no matter what. On three." he says




And their off.

~Play song now, I literally spent thirty minutes crying over this scene, and it isn't even that sad.~

James and I share a look.

He automatically opens his arms for a hug and I run into them.

We just stand there hugging eachother for a couple minutes.

A soft sob escapes my lips.

What if I never get to see James again?

What if I never get to see my family ever again?

I can't just simply be without my family, they are all I have left in this cold, cruel world.

Following that sob, more sobs escape my mouth.

James's soothing hand running circles around my back isn't really helping, if anything, it's making it worse.

Once I manage to calm down, I hiccup again and look up at him.

"James I'm scared." I whisper

"I know, I am too" he says

I sniff "What if mom doesn't come back? What if none of us come back? I can't live with out you, I need you." I half sob half say.

"It's going to be o-

"NO IT'S NOT!" I scream

"We could all fucking die tonight! It's not going to be okay! I can't live without you! If you don't make it to the creek, I will kill myself." I say

"Nora! Don't talk like that!" he says

"Then promise me. Promise me you will meet me by the creek. Promise me!" I plead.

He hesitates for a couples of seconds.

"I promise you, I will meet you by that creek, Nora." he says

I can feel him trying to pull out of our embrace.

"NO! please don't leave me!" I cry

"Nora, it's time, Let go."

I nod and release him.

But then I attack him again with another hug

"I Love you James. Stay Safe." I say

"I love you too, Nora. Stay Safe.." He says

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