Chapter 5-If you're Mary and I'm Joseph dont tell me you're hiding a Baby Jesus

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Hello again!

So here is my latest chapter and like before if you like it please vote or comment and if you have any criticism please feel free to inform me. One day I hope that writing won't be my passion but my job so any criticism is welcome so I can write to the best if my ability. So anyway, here you go!


Copyright: NotSoTypicalBl0ndie


Chapter 5-If your Mary and I'm Joseph don't tell me you're hiding a Baby Jesus in there

Once I had washed off the the offending notes and images off of my face, I began getting creative in ways I could get my revenge and I can honestly say only 90% of them involved something to do with his testicles.

Okay maybe 99%...

Yeah, all of them involved his balls.

The idiot had decided it would be hilarious to write "España se puede SUCK MY..." With a very artistically drawn dick right in the middle of my left cheek. If I weren't so focused on my all encompassing fury, I would say he actually had a shred of artistic talent, seriously, the pubes were expertly defined.

As I exited the ladies bathroom, the passengers who had seen the artwork shot me death glares and I guessed they must be Spanish. My eyes narrowed as I scanned the room for the windswept mop of blond hair and those vibrant, rich, green eyes.

I couldn't help feel a little disappointed despite my fury when I couldn't find Connor anywhere. I had lifted my suitcase from baggage reclaim and had stormed around the entire airport in search of the boy who had done nothing but infuriate me for 12 hours but I had a sinking feeling that he had already left and it seemed I was correct. I should have been overjoyed, ecstatic even but I couldn't help but feel a little deflated, as if I were a balloon and Connor had just took a needle and POP! It was gone.

Nevertheless, the realisation that I was in Spain was enough to fill me and the excitement bubbled inside me like a shaken can of Coke. For the next year I would be travelling around Europe and just the thought of that left a grin displayed on my face. This was my dream and I had worked so hard for years, working week-ends and evenings just to be able to build up enough money to afford this adventure and now it was actually happening. Have you ever worked so hard at something, you've put so much determination and belief into an idea until it had no choice but to become a reality. It's the most fulfilling feeling in the world when all your hard work pays off and I knew that this was just the beginning.

A slight early morning breeze brushed my shoulders, sending a shiver up my spine as I hauled my suitcase into the boot of the taxi whilst the driver sat in the front smoking his cigarette.

Who said chivalry is dead?

I flung myself into the stuffy taxi and gave the directions of the hotel I was meant to be staying in to the burly looking taxi driver. He was carrying a little extra weight around his mid section and had dark hair which had begun to grow grey at the roots. He had a dark moustache and from what I could see in the darkness he had black freckles which stood out against his tanned, Spanish skin.

I lay my head back against the leather upholstery of the taxi and I heard sleep beckoning to me. I had been born with an unusual but useful ability to be able to fall asleep whenever and wherever I wanted. I remember so many sleepovers at my friends houses where we would stay up late talking for hours, giggling and laughing and it would come to a time in the morning and we would decide to go to sleep and while all my friends took such long times to fall asleep I cold just drop off. I think it was partly to do with the fact that I was always tired, I could just control it.

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