Running The Restaurant

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(lmao eyyy
btw Y/F/A is Your Favorite Animal)

You hurried out of the car as you were for some reason eager to get inside the restaurant. Entering through the entrance as the chef followed behind, you were met with a welcoming smile and glistening eyes.

"Oh, you're back!", David exclaimed happily as he approached you.

Gordon closed the doors behind him as David gave you a bear hug. You embraced him back, returning a warm smile.

"Yeah, I decided to come back early.. My arm is feeling better!", You said as you showed him your arm.

He looked down at it and gave an awkard smile as he cringed. You puffed out your cheeks as it seems the bruise was bigger than the ice pack.

"Okay, it still looks like shit, but it doesn't hurt anymore"

He nodded as he gently pushed you into the kitchen.

"Good, we need an extra set of hands right now to help", He says as he lightly shoved you to the dishes where Clarisse was standing.

Oh, great, this was your favorite task to do! Sarcasm. Clarisse was scrubbing dishes and she turned around as she heard footsteps. You were greeted with another hug and grunted slightly as her arms squeezed you.

"Hey!! god, I missed you!", She whined with a pouty face.

You lifted a brow as she unwrapped her arms around you. Rolling your eyes playfully, you just folded your arms across your chest as you took a step back, "I wasn't even gone that long."

"Oh honey, you were gone foreva", She said in a sassy tone and you just chortled.

You sighed briskly and stood infront of the huge sink that wasn't completely filled with dishes, why did David need you to help Clarisse when it wasn't that many? You just shrugged it off and got to work, cleaning every speck that was found.

"here is more!", David said as he put a pile of dishes in the sink.

So that's why he wanted you to help. You just exhaled calmly and continued, until that was over with, Clarisse said she had to do something else that David told her to do. Now you had to do this huge pile all by yourself. It was almost your size! You were probably over exaggerating, but it was pretty big. You cleaned every dish one by one. It got you wondering why you guys didn't have a washing machine, probably because you guys didn't have enough money. As you pulled a plate off a bowl, inside the ceramic dish was a rolled up paper. Your brow rose with curiousity as it was tied up with a red ribbon. This was meant for you. You settled the plate down and grabbed the paper, undid the bow and rolled it out.

'Go into the office'

You just stuffed it into your pocket as you wandered off, towards the only office in the restaurant. You approached the door that had David's name on it. You knocked on it lightly and waited.

"Come in!", You heard as you hesitantly opened the door.

Suddenly, someone grabbed your arm and yanked you in which caused you to yelp. As the door slam closed behind you, you realize it was the brunette.

Yes, Chef (Gordon Ramsay x male!reader)Where stories live. Discover now