Anger (✔️)

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Recap: SwaSan true is out.

Swara was holding her burning cheek.

She looked at the one, who slapped her, "Baba?"

Shekhar fumes in anger, "Don't call me that, you don't deserves to be called my child!" He turns his face away in disgust.

Swara fumes and made him look at her, "I don't deserve to be called your child. You don't deserve it to be called my father! You have never cared for me or my mother, who was living in a hell. Being a mother as a unmarried woman!"

Laksh was looking at them, "Wah Swara Wah. Even here you are trying to prove yourself to be the innocent one. That his decision (pointing on Shekhar) has lead you here? For your information he didn't knew it, he just thought you might be his child. But it was your mother, who kept the secret from everyone. Not only this, but what you said living hell? What do you think Ragini is / was going through, since the time I had said that I love you and not her?"

Laksh looked at Ragini with guilt, but Ragini didn't mind it, "Ragini I'm your culprit too, but trust me, my love for you is genuine. I have never loved Swara it just was a mere of Attraction!" He was holding her hand tight she too hold his hand tight.

Ragini wasn't angry she was happy that Laksh was on her side saying the world that he loves her and not Swara. She once was hurt as he had made her suffer, but on the other way she got strong she fought for her love 'Laksh'.

Swara was fuming looking at them, "Laksh you have played with me. You have played with Ragini and You have fooled us for your own benefits. Why I'm a culprit and you are not?" She asked in a loud volume.

Laksh shook his head, "Swara are you even listening to that what I am said? For your kind information I was a culprit of Ragini, but not yours. You never loved me only faked it, then you took your opportunity and married my brother not only this even consummated with him," Laksh turns his face in disgust.

Swara goes near him, "Mr. Lakshya Maheshwari. Sanskaar is my husband I can do whatever I want to do with him! Who the hell are you to judge us!" She gave him a death glare.

Ragini got angry by the way of Swara's talk way, "Swara enough of your false accusations!Haan we don't have a right to judge, but then you too have no rights to accuse us!" She comes near Swara standing in front of her, face to face situation. "Swara you always lived your life on your way. On your terms and your freedom!I was always kept in a cage. Following the order's of Daadi, Daada and Papa! Did I complaint that I want to be free? No, because I was happy at least I got somehow the attention of my family, who were more interesting in you and your Mother!"

Ragini was trying to hold back her tears, but now it was all flowing down her cheeks, "Swara I was motherless, but you had your mother, whom I consider as my family! You had your Dida, who had equally loved you. No one of your family gave me any heed. Not like the way my family gave you. Papa always behaved with you similar like me, even when I wanted to spend my time alone with him. He thought of you. When I was with Daadi she always complaint about your family being Bengalis. Uff! There was not a single moment in which my family asked me how I feel, What I want! Even on my engagement day you had to come and interrupt, why?"

She wipes her tears away, "you know Swara I was jealous of you. All were always talking about you. No one cared for me. All agree to Laksh wish no one thought about me only one that was AP. But even she was selfish na! She couldn't fight for me. Lost in front of her son's wish!"

Laksh felt a pain in his heart. She had all,
but still nothing. No love, no care, no life!.

Ragini looked at her determined and took a deep breath, "Swara you were the one, who started with the cheap tricks, you tried to frame Laksh in the first place. You already confessed your crime. Don't think we forgot that!"

Sanskaar come to Swara's help, "Ragini! Mind your language!" He shouts at her, but it didn't affected Ragini.

Ragini kept on her stern look, "I don't know what is between you two, but it's not love. Whatever it is keep it in your bedroom not in the kitchen, hall or the garden. And well Swara an independent woman, who never needs someone's help is in need to take the help of a fraud! Who faked an illness just to take revenge from his own family?"

She clapped at them, "Wah! 👏👏👏 heads off to you bout. You crossed all your limits just to take revenge from whom, Your loved once!"

Ragini turns her face.

Finally she spoke her heart out and all were feeling the pain and disgust.

Laksh went near Ragini. He slowly places his hand on her shoulder, "Ragini?!"

She looked up at him.

She wasn't sad nor angry, she felt relieved as if a big burden was taken off her shoulders.

Laksh smiles at her, "My Wife you are awesome and your life has started to change to heavenly dreams. Which will come true. That is my promise to you."

Ragini hugs him. She goes near to his ear, " "Laksh ji I only want you. No one else and nothing else! Only you matters for me!"

Laksh reciprocate to her hug, "Ragini I won't leave you ever!"

She smiles to him resting her head on his chest.

DP comes to them, "Ragini I'm sorry I misunderstood you from the beginning the half true was said. I hope you can forgive me!" He folded his hands in front of Ragini.

Ragini was shocked, "No Papa please, I'm not angry or hurt. It's all fine!" She went to him holding his hands.

DP turns to SwaSan.


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