Girl Time Chapter 5 Part 1

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The next day, You were cleaning the house until you got a phone call.


"Hi Y/N. It's me, Blaze."

"Oh Hi Blaze. What's up?"

"The girls are wondering if you wanted to have a sleep over at Cream's house."

"I'd love to."

"Great! We'll see you soon. Oh and it's a girl sleep over only."

"Ok bye."

"Bye." You hanged up and began to pack. Suddenly, you heard someone knock on your door. You walked towards the door and opened it.

"Hi Y/N." Sonic said.

"Hi Sonic." Y/N said.

"Where are you going?" Tails asked.

"I'm going to a sleep over at Cream's house."

"Can we come?" Knuckles asked.

"Sorry but it's for girls only."

"Aww." Silver said in disappointment.

"Sorry guys. Hi Shadow."

"Hey." Shadow said.

"I'll see you later guys." You waved good bye and walked away. Soon, you arrived at Cream's house. You knocked on the door and saw a taller rabbit that looks like Cream.

"Hello. You must be Y/N. I'm Vanilla, Cream's mother."

"Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too."

"Come on in. The girls are waiting for you."

"Ok." You walked inside and saw Cream.

"Hi Miss Y/N."

"Hi Cream." Suddenly, the other girls showed up.

"Y/N! Glad you could make it!" Amy said.

"Thanks Amy. It's great to be here." Y/N said.

"Hey hun." Rouge said.

"Hey Rouge." Y/N said.

"Hi." Blaze said.

"Hi Blaze."

"Food is almost ready girls." Vanilla said.

"Ok mommy!" Cream said.

"We should go change into our pajamas while we wait." Amy said.

"Ok." Everyone went upstairs to get dressed. A few minutes later, they came back downstairs and dinner was ready.

"Here you go girls." Vanilla said.

"Thank you." The girls said.

"You're welcome." You and the others began to eat. Later, after you and the girls finished eating, Rouge wanted to play Truth or Dare.

"Let's play Truth or Dare!" Rouge said.

"Ok!" The girls said.

"I'll start. Rouge, Truth or Dare?" Amy asked.


"Who do you like?"

"Well I like Knuckles of course. Alright Blaze, Truth or Dare?"


"I dare you to play with that yarn like a real cat."

"Fine." Blaze began to play with the yarn like a real cat. The girls laughed while Blaze glared at Rouge.

"I'll get you for this. Amy, Truth or Dare?"


"I dare you to slap Rouge." Rouge growled as Amy slapped Rouge.

"Sorry Rouge." Amy said.

"It's fine."

"Y/N, Truth or Dare?" Amy asked.


"Do you like anyone?" You blushed as you rubbed your arm nervously.


"Come on. You can tell us Miss Y/N." Cream said.

"Well....I like....Shadow." Y/N said.

"The bad boy himself?" Blaze asked. You nodded slowly.

"Girl. We're gonna help you win your man."

"Thanks guys but I doubt he'll feel the same way." Y/N said.

"That's why we're gonna help you. Starting tomorrow, we're going shopping." Amy said.

"Thanks guys." Y/N said.

"You're welcome. It's getting late. We should get some sleep." Blaze said.

"Ok. Good night girls." Y/N said.

"Good night Y/N." The girls said as you and the girls fell asleep.

Here's a sneak peek for the next chapter:

Sonic: I have a feeling that Shadow is in love with Y/N.
Tails: I don't know about this guys.
Sonic: We'll spy on the girls tonight just don't tell Shadow.
Knuckles: *Blushes*
Sonic: Did you guys hear what I just heard?
Tails: Should we be doing this?
Sonic: I have a plan.

What's gonna happen next? Find out soon on chapter 5 part 2. Have a great day. Author out. ❤️❤️❤️

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