Chapter 20

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The Quiet One is interesting, Ashura murmured when he was back in the barn again.

"I don't wish for this family to regret me leaving, we have already stayed longer than we should have," Aerrath replied as he looked over the documents on the work table. Selloana had done what she promised, remarking all of the pages with clear writing and precise measurements. Aerrath felt bad for yelling at her. "Besides, I'm sure that we have overstayed our welcome more than enough, and Selloana keeping us here is..."

Aerrath heard Ashura's wings rustle. She is what, Little One? Karhu hasn't spoken of wanting us to leave this family.

Aerrath shook his head and sat down, focusing on all of the papers. "Never mind, we shouldn't worry about it, once this is done, we can go find Vaal."

His dragon huffed and fell silent. She let him work in peace as Aerrath slowly pieced together an idea of what he would need for a saddle. Something simple, he had a feeling that he wouldn't be needing anything more than a piece of leather between him and Ashura's scales.

. . .

"Kaivol, wake up."

Aerrath groaned and shoved his face further into his arms. Couldn't they go away? He was fine, he wasn't needed, his family could do without him.

The same person again shook his shoulder. "Kaivol, you've already missed the morning meal and it is almost lunch. You need to get up."

He wrinkled his nose but forced his eyes open, blinking the dream dust in his eyes.

Sae gave him a few minutes before trying to rush him again. "You must get up, Ma is going to be upset if she doesn't see you up and working."

"I was workin' all nigh'..." Aerrath yawned, stretching his arms above him. His shoulders were stiff and twinged when he rotated them. Nothing more than just soreness, he could easily work it out later.

The other boy narrowed his eyes at him, for once showing how concerned or irritated he was. "How late were you up last night?"

Aerrath blinked at him and pointed at the lamp on the work table. "Sometime after that ran out of oil."

Sae sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. Aerrath yawned again, popping several joints as he stretched. He felt an echo in his mind and smiled at Ashura doing the same thing, hearing her small roar of pleasure just outside the barn seconds later.

"Come, the midday meal will be cold by the time you are actually moving." Sae grabbed Aerrath's arm and hauled him to his feet.

Aerrath didn't protest, he really didn't want to be moving anyways, his fight was completely gone at the moment. He had been up till almost sunrise getting his saddle designed and measured. Maybe Selloana would take pity on him and let him rest for the whole day.

Ashura laughed, deep rumbles resonating through Aerrath's mind. I am surprised that you would actually want to rest, Little One. You always had to be doing something until now.

Aerrath looked over his shoulder at his dragon and stuck out his tongue—a rare moment of playfulness that he only showed for Ashura. His dragon laughed louder, causing Sae to turn and look at her.

"She seems to be in a good mood today," he remarked, tugging on Aerrath's arm again to keep him moving. His feet were dragging and barely making it above the cropped grass. He was so tired

"She got more sleep than I did, of course, she would be."

Sae shook his head and released Aerrath's arm when they reached the porch. Selloana was standing in the doorway, arms crossed and a stern scowl on her face. Her oldest son continued to walk into the house despite her fearsome expression while Aerrath slowed to a stop right in front of her.

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