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Work was a killer today, so I was glad when I got any sort of distraction even if that distraction was Mia. "So Mr. Tall dark and handsome is here." She winked at me. The first person that came to mind was Chase, however I couldn't see Chase coming into work just to see me. "You know, Eli." She said his name in a teasing tone. "Yes, I'm sure he would be here for business. As you are aware he is one of our top clients."

"Here, eat something." She handed me her garden salad. I gratefully took is as I was starving. "So, what's going on with you two?" She asked. "What do you mean?" I looked at her, I suppose she isn't as dumb as she looks. "Well, last week he came in all grumpy then you two were in the conference room and he left with a smile." She explained.

"Nothing is going on. All clients leave like that once they speak with me, I'm just that good." I shrugged, looking at Mia's face I realised how dirty that actually sounded. "You give them the sneaky reach over?" She joked. "Hey, if thats what the want." I laughed. "I'm joking." I continued.

There was a small knock on my office door. "Come in." I answered filling my face with the salad. Eli walked through the door with a smile, that was until he seen Mia. "Mr. Smith, what can I help you with today?" I asked him with a smile. "May I have a moment of your time, Amelia?" He said while glaring at Mia. I feel as if im missing something between them.

"I'll just be going now." Mia got up and left my office. I stood up and walked around to the other side of my desk and sat on the edge. "Eli." I smiled. "Amelia." He stepped closer and put his hand on my leg. "So much for that call I was meant to get a week ago." I pursed my lips. "I know, I'm sorry. That's one of the reasons I came here. I got a little ambushed with work. Im sorry I didn't call." His hand inched slowly up my skirt.

"What are you doing?" I asked, looking at his hand. "Sorry, I just can't help it. You're just so god damn sexy." He stepped closer to me, his head nussled into my neck. His hot breath sent chills down my spine. "Still doesn't answer my question. What are you doing?" My head turned to the side giving him more access than before.

His lips touched my neck, his hand finally reached the top of my leg, his thumb ran circles around my clitoris. A small quiet moan slips through my mouth. "You like that?" He whispered in my ear, with which each word I was getting more hot and bothered. "Eli, I'm at work." I breathed, grabbing on to his arm to steady my self. "I know, which is why im restraining myself. If I didn't, you would already be bent over this desk." That is something a gentleman would not say at all, it was actually quite hot and dominating which turned me on even more.

"You didn't answer my question, do you like that?" He bit my earlobe. "Yes." I breathed. "Do you want me to stop?" I don't know, did I want him to stop? I was at work after all. "Lock the door."

Eli looked at me with a winning smile on his face. He knew he had one this unspoken war. He walked over to the door and locked it. "I'm here to please you, so you tell me what you want & next time, it will be your turn to please me." He grinned from ear to ear.

"Anything I want?" I asked. "Anything." He said in the most sexy deep voice. I slid off the edge of my desk and walked to my chair. Slowly, pulled my skirt up and my underwear down. I sat down in my chair and smiled. "What do you want?" Eli asked.

"Come here." I said pointing to the ground in front of my chair. Eli slowly walked over and stood in the place I told him. "Now what?" He looked at down at me. "Get on your knees." I demanded. Obliging, Eli got on his knees, looking at me biting his lip, hes waiting for further instruction.

I spread my legs, So one leg is resting on the desk and the other is resting on the windowsill thats behind the desk. "Tell me what you want to do to me." Eli looked at me then down at my vagina. Licking his lips, he said "I want to eat that dripping wet pussy." His reply made my pussy gush. "What are you waiting for?"

Eli face closed in, his tongue slid inside my lips and to my clit. Moving in circles, up and down, inside and out. Over and over, building up speed just so slow down again. His hands grabbed my legs to steady himself. My hands grabbed his hair and pushed him further in. My hips, moved up and down with his motions. "Oh God yes." I moaned. "You taste so fucking good." Eli moaned.

"Don't stop." I breathed, Eli's tongue continued to move around in circles at a pace that was making me close in to one amazing orgasm. Just when i thought it couldn't get any better, he slid two fingered inside me. Moving in and out, while his tongue was moving up and down licking every inch of my clit. "Faster." I moaned.

Eli's fingers speed up, so the motion would send little vibrations to my clit. "Fuck." I was closer than ever before. "Oh yes." I moaned. Eli's free hand swept over to cover my mouth. My body clenched. "Fuck." I yelled in to his hand. "Mmm." He moaned, licking all the cum that flowed out of my vagina. My body started to convulse with each lick. If he doesn't stop soon I'm going to- it felt like a huge wave washed over both of us, as I squirted all over him. "God yes." He said before diving in again licking, like he was starving. I screamed out as the pleasure released itself.

After a moment, Eli stopped and looked up at me. "You squirt?" He asked suprised. "Apparently so." I said, trying to catch my breath. "So thats never happened to you?" He looked at me quizically. "Nope." I smiled.

Eli stood up and ordered me his hand to help me up. I gratefully took it, I pulled my underwear up and my skirt down. I look over at Eli who was now sitting in the chair opposite me. "Sorry about your shirt." I laughed, Eli looked down at himself. "Well, I suppose I could say I spilt my drink all over me." He laughed. "I have a spare in my car anyway."

I sat back down in my chair feeling a lot more relaxed and at ease with the world. I didn't realise how tense I actually was before. "So, hows your best mate?" Eli asked. I paused for a moment, why was he asking about Chase? "He's good." I said unsure about where the conversation was going. "Why?" I asked. "Is he single?" He casually asked. That's where this is going. "No, why do you ask?"

"I was going to see if he would be interested in going on a double date. He's your best friend and I would like to get to know him." He smiled at me. "Still not understanding why." I said. "Well, I like you. I understand that he might have a lot of affect on you. So if I got to know him and we became friends, he wouldn't mind if we took things to the next level."

Chase has no say in who I see anyway, but the thought of Eli wanting to be friends with him because he is my best friend was quite cute. He wants to take things to the next level? I'm really not sure about that one, considering the feelings I have for chase. I know I said I was done and moving on, but Chase is the type of guy, you can never move on from. He will always be there in your heart making all your other relationships fail. I do owe myself to try though, maybe Eli is the one person to help me move on. I just don't want to hurt him.

"The next level?" I looked at him with a smile. "Yeah, you know an actual relationship." He smiled back at me. "As much as I would like you getting to know Chase and us having a relationship, there is still a lot of things you don't know about me. Somethings you should know before we jump into a relationship."

"Like what?" He crossed his legs and got comfortable. "Like how I only got out of a six year relationship six months ago. That relationship fucked me up pretty bad. After all the shit, that he put me through I have a lot of issues." Eli nodded his head understanding. "I think you've told me about that. You didn't tell me how it ended though."

"Im not going to, not just yet. All ill say is, it not only involves me. So ill have to speak with the other party involved to see if it will be okay to tell you." I shrugged. "Now, I don't understand." Eli pursed his lips. "Something happened years ago, me and this other party vowed not to tell anyone. So in order for me to tell you why me and my ex broke up, id have to tell you what happened years ago." I explained to him.

"When ever you are ready to tell me, I'll be here. Im not going to push you into telling me something you don't want to." He smiled. I wonder if Eli is always like this, understanding and stuff? I don't understand why he isn't already taken either. He's handsome as hell, tall as shit and has money coming out his ass. Not that the money actually matters, but he just has a lot going for him. I don't understand why he's single and wanting me?

What have I got that other dont?


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2018 ⏰

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