I Waited

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Insisting that he walk me to my door, Eli held my hand and helped me out of the car. "Thank you for tonight, I had a lovely time." I smiled at him. "Your very welcome, thank you for coming along. I know it probably wasn't what you were expecting." Eli wrapped his jacket around me while we walked to my door. "It was great, it doesn't matter what I expected. I really did have a lot of fun."

"You did?" He stopped and looked at me as we reached the front door. I bit my lip and took a step closer to him. "Of course." I smiled. "So how many dates before a man can get lucky?" He winked at me. Oh god. I laughed. "Oh so thats all you want. You try to impress me with all your money just to get laid? Is that how things work with you?" I gave him a stern look.

"Shit. I'm sorry, I really was joking. That was a really bad thing to ask on a second date. Should have just stuck to being a gentleman." Eli started to ramble on. I stood there and looked at him, all I could think about were his lips. I didn't care if all he wanted was sex or if he wanted more. What I wanted though? I wanted my lips on his.

Eli was so distracted by his rambling he didn't even notice my face inching closer to his until my lips touched his. Eli's hand cupped my cheek. The kiss, it was a small sweet kiss, yet it felt like it lasted forever. I pulled away and rested my forehead on his. "That got you to shut up." I smiled at him. "You make me a little nervous." He admitted. "I really was joking." He looked at me.

"So would now be the time to ask for a third date?" He bit his lip. Damn. It drove me wild. I don't know what it is, but men biting their lip, its such a turn on. "It would be, yes." I pulled away from him. "For the next week, I will be a little busy at work. This pain in ass client is so demanding about his work." I winked at him. "I suppose this pain in the ass client should back off a little. So he can have a third date with you." Eli went along with it. "He definitely should." I smirked.

"You should really be getting inside now, I wouldn't want you catching a cold and bailing on work or another date." Eli pulled me in for a hug and kissed me on the cheek. I start to pull his jacket away to give it back. "Keep it, I've got plenty." He stopped me. "I'll call you, okay."

I nodded and walked in side. "Bye." I smiled as I closed the door. I turned around and leant up against the door with a smile on my face. "He's that good, huh?" I turned to Chase who was sitting on the couch. "What do you mean?" I asked him. "Well a smile like that could only mean one thing." He stated.

I walked over to the couch and sat down. "And what is that?" I looked at Chase waiting for him to say it. "You slept with him." I shook my head in disbelief. "No, I didnt. I don't plan on it for a while yet either." I rested my head back against the couch. "What's the big deal anyway, Chase? If you can't have me no one can? How is that fair to me? You are the one that said you were seeing someone. You didn't even give us a chance. Hell, you didn't even tell me you felt something for me until after you told me you were seeing someone. So what do you want from me? I can't wait around for you forever. I'm moving on." I started to get angry.

"You never waited for me. You were with declan. How could you be waiting for me when you were with him. Six months after Taylor and Declan and your getting serious with another guy. How is that waiting for me? I needed more time, you didn't give that to me!" He raised his voice.

"I've waited for you for six years! From the moment we met, I've been waiting for you. I waited for you through your undeniable love with Anna! I waited for you through every tear you shed on my shoulder for her! I waited for you. I want you then, you didn't even notice me. You only noticed me when you needed me to be a shoulder for you to cry on. I didn't mind, because at the end of the day I thought you would realise it was me and you, I even made myself believe that we were soul mates! Even through Declan and Taylor, I waited. I loved you so god damn much that I waited and wasted six years. How can you sit there and tell me I didn't wait. I've spent six years of my life waiting for something that was probably never going to happen. I have given you plenty of time! It has taken you six years to notice me, to notice that you are the one I want. It's taken six years for you to even consider the possibility of me and you. How is that even fair on me, Chase? How the hell is that fair? I'm not waiting anymore. You're seeing someone, I'm seeing someone. I'm moving on. I can't wait any longer. I'm done." I got off the couch and walked to my bedroom.

"You're not done! We are not done. We haven't even given us a chance. You never told me! You never, not once even told me how you felt. I waited for you to tell me! Because for the past six years, I knew. I knew you were waiting for me. I knew how you felt about me. I didn't think I was good enough for you because Amelia, it's you. Its always been you. I wanted to better myself to make sure I was good enough for you." Chase followed me, grabbing my arm causing me to spin around and land in his chest. I looked up at Chase. My heart broke for him, for me, for us. There was no chance left. I'm done waiting. I'm not doing it anymore. I deserve better.

"Amelia, you are not done. We are not done. Our story hasnt been told yet." Chases rested his forehead on mine and whispered. "We are done. Before we even began, we are done. We cant be doing this over and over again. This is wrong, your seeing someone and I'm sure she's a great girl. Dont hurt her like you've hurt me. Promise me that?" Tears started to fall down my face. "Amelia?" Chases finger pushed my chin up so I was looking at him. "She's not you."

"Why can't we just forget about this arguement. We will stop seeing the people we are seeing and we can give us a try. Please? I don't want to lose you." With tears now streaming down my face, I shook my head. "No. When I said I was done, I meant it. You could never lose me, Chase. You are my best friend. However a friend is all we will ever be for each other."

I looked at Chase, tears started to build in his eyes. It was this moment he realised he had lost his chance with me. He waited to long, hell even I waited to long. "What is going on out here?" Laura walked out of her bedroom. I pulled away from chase. "Nothing." I said wiping my tears. "Nothing is going on." I said looking at Chase.

"I'm going to bed, night." I turned on my heels and walked into the bedroom and closed the door. After such a wonderful night with Eli, to come home to argue with chase. It turned the night to shit.

For the rest of the night, I laid in bed unable to sleep. All that was going through my mind was Chase. Did I really end what we could of had? Did I seriously just choose Eli over Chase. At the end of the day, I think I made the right decision. I have wasted so many years waiting for Chase to love me, even though I knew there was a huge possibility that he wouldn't feel the way I do. After tonight, I don't want to lose our friendship. I don't want to destroy the one thing that has kept me going.

I just can't.


Well look out, a little more drama for everyone!

Who do you think Amelia should end up with? I know whose corner I'm in. 😜

Casting: Who would you like to see casted for the male roles? Comment your thoughts!

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