Chapter 1

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N/A: Sorry I haven't updated this one, I've been worried about this other story I've been wanting to put up, a short one shot with ErwinxLevi, go check it out if you want something fluffy! Not to mention I've been trying to catch up with life since I was gone for a week, throwing off my schedule. Hope you enjoy! Picture is a collage made by my very good friend BondeRebellion, obviously of Saura! This ended up way longer than I intended but maybe that's a good thing, I don't know..

Levi turned the corner, mopping. My big brother made me follow him, and annoy the living shit out of him, push him to his breaking point. I had the slingshot ready, full with a dark brown flour pouch. Levi was going to murder me. So far I’ve messed everything up but his cravat. Erwin had pointed that out to me this morning, specifically stating that it was “the one thing on him that he hates to get dirty.”

So far, just today, I’ve torn apart his office, spilled mud into the hallway, poured old moldy food onto the 3DMG, broken Hanji’s glasses, and left a dusty bucket on a door, which dropped onto him,  and everything but his cravat was covered. I must get the cravat.

Erwin popped up behind me, making me glare at him out of the corner of my eye. Little did i know he was trying to help me.

“Levi!” Erwin called to the short man, causing him to turn and look at us. As he turned, i launched the bag of flour. It exploded against his cravat, leaving him a dirty, almost dusty look about him. I quickly hid in the next hall, and scaled the wall to the ceiling. I was using a trick that I learned from Mike, who had learned it from people in the underground. I used the small crevices in the stones as hand and foot holes in order to keep myself hidden for the most part. If he looked directly above my brother he could have seen me.

“Erwin…” Levi growled. “What is the meaning of this…”

“What’s wrong Levi?” Erwin was completely serious, as if he couldn’t see the mess behind Levi that he had been cleaning up, or the mass amount of flour on Levi’s clothing.

“... What’s wrong?” Levi sounded utterly pissed. “What’s wrong?” His voice rose dangerously. “THAT DAMNED BLONDE IS PURPOSELY TRYING TO RUIN ME!”

“Which blonde? Petra?” Erwin asked, pissing Levi off even further.

“Why on earth would Petra be the one trying to break me…. It’s your sister you bastard!” Levi shook with rage. “Do something about her or I will!” He turned on his heels and stalked out of the room, leaving the mopping undone.

Dropping to the ground silently, I stood next to my brother.

“He’s pissed.” I looked up at him.

“But not broken.”

“Are you surprised?”



“No. But I need to know where his breaking point is.”

“Yeah, yeah, I gotcha.”


“Saura!” I turned at the sound of Hanji’s voice.

“Hey!” I happily chirped, with an innocent smile on my face.

“Saura…” Hanji ran up to me, seemingly out of breathe, having known her for 11 years made me think that she just got overly excited about titans again, but something seemed different. “Levi... is looking... for you.”

I felt the blood leave my face a pale white. “Levi…?”

Hanji looked scared for me. “Yeah… he’s very angry at the moment… I think you should hide... Wait out until he’s not as angry?”

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