Chapter 17 Part 1

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Sorry for the long wait. People are not getting my little hints im throwing to you guys. Killa is Quincy. Aleondre wants Quincy dead. Blaze also wants Quincy dead. Blaze also likes Indy. So does Aleondre. Hmmm, they sound similar right?! Damn, please pay attention. Alot of drama is about to go down and you guys are gonna be confused.... Cashmere in the mm.

Indy POV

"I need you out by tomorrow" Those words kept echoing in my mind. I cant believe he is kicking me out knowing i have no where to stay. My vision blurred with tears but i simply climbed off Quincy, walked in 'my' room and started packing my clothes.

Quincy came in my room scratching his head

"There's no hard feelings right?" I looked at him like he stupid

"No hard feelings?" I choked on tears "Nigga you know i have no money, no where to stay, nobody gives a fuck about me and you kicking me out. Now you tryna say no hard feelings? Nigga fuck you" I stripped out of my clothes and got under the covers naked again. This time his ass aint touching me

"Indigo, you almost killed my fucking daughter. How can i let you stay here? What if you get pissed at me again and you fucking hurt her? You cant be mad at nobody but yourself because nobody told you to act crazy. If you try to say because of those pictures, your dumb ass shouldve looked at the dates on those. You wouldve seen it was wayyy before you came along. Now good night, i have school in the morning" He shut off the light and walked in his room and slammed his room door

I feel like a complete asshole. Those pictures were before he even met me. The thing that made me cry harder was he didnt call me Indy, he called me Indigo. He hardly ever calls me Indigo.... I almost forgot that was my name because i hardly use it. Im acknowledged as Indy, Pretty Lady, or Fat Bitch.

About 20 minutes later i put on my robe and walked in Nesy room. She was up at her table coloring. Q had one hand under his chin and the other with a crayon in it. He was sleeping, snoring a little bit.

"Quinese?" I whispered. She looked at me. I waved her over and we walked downstairs and started watching tv. I put a blanket over her and gave her some ice cream. We started watching some movies on Netflix. I told her i would be back and i went upstairs to tell Quincy to go to bed.

"Q, go to bed" I said shaking his shoulder gently until he jerked up

"Huh? Wheres Quinese?!" He hopped up and was about to jet downstairs until i stopped him

"Me and Quinese are downstairs watching movies and eating ice cream. Go to sleep so you wont be sleeping in class tomorrow. Before i leave tomorrow i will drop her off at your moms house" I went in my room and put on some pajama shorts & a tank top. Then i put my hair in a high ponytail. I slide on some socks and went downstairs to Quinese.

On the way downstairs i seen Quincy stumbling to his room. He must really be tired. I helped him get in the bed. I took off his shorts and shirt since i know he likes to sleep in briefs. I went in his closet and got him a comfy blanket, i kissed his forehead and was about to leave out.

"Thank you Indy and good night" He said before he started snoring

"Youre welcome"

Quincy POV

I woke up the next morning at 6. I was tired as hell but i took a quick shower and looked in my closet. I decided to wear a see thru white long sleeve shirt, red bow tie, black button up vest, black jeans, some black socks, and my bred 11s. I put on my custom made red snapback that says 'Quincy Scott' in black cursive letters.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2015 ⏰

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